The Golden Spider (The Elemental Web Chronicles Book 1)
she could of her dignity. “Lord Sebastian Talbot, Earl of Thornton. I am aware of his name and status. I only thought to address him as Lady Huntley does. I had no intention of taking…‌ liberties.” She risked a glance in Thornton’s direction as doubt crept in. “Should I not address him so? Are he and Lady Huntley…‌?”
    Mr. Black threw his head back and laughed as if the very idea were absurd, but Lady Huntley was young and beautiful and perfectly suited to become the wife of an earl.
    “No. No they aren’t,” he answered after he’d caught his breath. Laughter still danced in his eyes. “Lord Huntley was Thornton’s closest friend. To court his widow…‌” Mr. Black shook his head. “No, Thornton’s interests lie…‌ elsewhere. Please accept my apologies, Lady Amanda. I only meant to tease. By all means, call him Thornton. Everyone who works in the laboratory does indeed do so. And, please, call me Black.”
    An interest elsewhere? She wondered what lucky woman had won his regard.
    She nodded. “Very well.”
    “That should do it,” Thornton said to his assistant. “Once the chamber fills with plasma, the perilymph helix should take care of the rest.” He stepped back, pulling off his gloves and dropping them to the bench top. He pushed his goggles onto his forehead, the India rubber band twisting locks of hair in every direction. He looked every bit the brilliant, but mad, scientist. Quite the contrast from the proper gentleman who lectured on anatomy with hair carefully combed.
    Passionate scientist or rigid gentleman? Or perhaps both? Each had their appeal. She pressed her lips together. Either way, it was not she who would win the chance to peel back the layers and discover the truth.
    “Thornton,” Black called. “Your newest assistant has security clearance.”
    Both men turned in her direction.
    Thornton yanked off his goggles and ran a hand through his hair. “Lady Amanda Ravensdale, may I present my assistant Mr. Henri LaFevre. Mr. LaFevre, Lady Amanda, my newest student.”
    The blond man sketched a bow. “Henri, please,” he said, his accent French. “This laboratory is most…‌ informal.” Henri’s pale skin and red-rimmed eyes suggested long hours spent in the laboratory, but his light blue eyes were alive with keen intelligence. Thornton would work with no less.
    “Then you must call me Amanda.” She inclined her head politely.
    “I’ll leave you to your introductions,” Black interjected. “As much as I wish to stay, duty calls.” With a last wink, he strolled out the door.
    “Lady Amanda brings a new project to our lab,” Thornton said. “She will be indirectly involved with the acoustico work. Her original prototype, a clockwork spider designed to spin gold fibers to replace a nerve for an individual myomere, showed promise. Regrettably, it…‌” Thornton trailed off.
    Was stolen?

    Was used to commit a crime?
    She jumped in. “It fails to maintain a connection with the individual muscle fibers. I’m convinced that with the right rare earth metal‌—‌”
    “You can convert neurility into electricity and establish a tighter bond,” Henri finished, a wide grin on his face. “Brilliant!”
    “Yes, exactly.” Amanda grinned back. After years of solitary work‌—‌well, with only the company of Rufus and his hens‌—‌she at last had a colleague. Someone with the knowledge and experience to help her evaluate the rush of ideas that sprang to mind.
    “Establishing a lasting connection to the myomere is only one of several problems to overcome,” Thornton instructed Henri, all business. “The new spider must be able to connect to the cranial nerves, not just the peripheral nerves. Additionally, Lady Amanda has knowledge of a new nerve agent, one which quiets a nerve without numbing it.”
    “If I can obtain the formula,” Amanda reminded him.
    Henri clapped his hands together. “Most excellent. That would save our agents much agony and

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