The Great Airport Mystery

The Great Airport Mystery by Franklin W. Dixon Page A

Book: The Great Airport Mystery by Franklin W. Dixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Franklin W. Dixon
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camera!” Chet decided.
    He bolted from the shadow of the building. The man spotted him immediately. Startled, the stranger turned and broke into a fast run up the alleyway coward the street. Chet took off after him, still holding his sandwich and carton of chocolate milk.
    The distance between Chet and the man he was pursuing rapidly closed. In desperation, the stranger stopped and whirled about. Chet was caught off guard.
    â€œYou—you—!” the man hissed at him.
    Holding the package with one hand, he reached out with the other and wrenched the carton of milk from Chet’s grasp. Then he threw its contents full force into the boy’s face!
    â€œThat’ll teach you!” the man snarled.
    Chet was blinded by the deluge. He stood sputtering, vigorously wiping the liquid from his eyes. By the time he could see again, the man had disappeared.
    In disgust Chet dashed out of the alleyway and around to the front entrance of the apartment house, to warn Joe. No one was there! The farm truck was gone.
    Chet was in a quandary. Not only had the stranger disappeared, but so had Joe!
    â€œPerhaps,” Chet thought, “Joe spotted the man running from the alley with the package and drove after him. I sure hope so.”
    The stout boy took up a position across the street from the apartment house. From there, he could watch for Joe and guard the front of the building at the same time. The only people he saw come out were two women carrying small handbags. He observed nothing suspicious.
    Finally Joe pulled up in the truck and hopped out. Chet ran to meet him. “I was beginning to worry,” said the plump boy. “Where did you go?”

    â€œThat’ll teach you!” the man snarled
    â€œWhile watching from here, I saw a man running out of the alley,” Joe answered. “He was Lieber! Before I could catch him, he jumped into a car parked up the street. I chased him in your truck, but I got mixed up in a traffic jam and lost him.”
    Chet told Joe about his encounter with Lieber, and pointed to his chocolate-stained clothes. He apologized for having been caught by surprise.
    â€œIt couldn’t be helped,” Joe excused him. “The car that Lieber jumped into was waiting for him, I’m sure. I managed to get the license plate number. We can check it out tomorrow with the motor vehicle department.”
    By now the boys were convinced that there was little to be gained by continuing to watch the apartment house, so they decided to go home.
    â€œWhat do you think Lieber was up to?” Chet asked as they rode through the Bayport streets.
    â€œI don’t know,” Joe responded. “But whatever it was, he certainly wasn’t wasting any time.”
    â€œDo you think that was the camera he was carrying?” Chet questioned.
    â€œYes. Some pal might have sneaked it from the airport to Lieber’s place. We have no proof, though.”
    Chet stopped at the Hardy house and dropped Joe off. Then he sped for home, his face beaming with anticipation of the hearty meal he knew would be waiting for him.
    Joe was about to enter the house when he saw Frank turn into the driveway. “Hil” he called.
    â€œDid you just get back?” Frank asked as he climbed out of the convertible.
    â€œYes. Did you have any luck following Zimm?”
    â€œEnough to make me more suspicious of him,” Frank replied. “I’ll put the car in the garage and then let’s talk.”
    In a few moments the boys went into the house. Mrs. Hardy and Aunt Gertrude were relieved to see them, since it was long past dinnertime.
    â€œYou must be starved,” Aunt Gertrude remarked. “And besides, the food’s half ruined, standing here for over an hour!”
    Mrs. Hardy smiled. “I don’t think the boys will mind.”
    The boys did not mind. They found the roast lamb, mashed potatoes, peas, and strawberry short-cake delicious. All the Hardys

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