The Guilty Innocent
explain later. Right now I have to get to work, it's about that time. Let me know if you need me, okay.”
    I nodded, but for some reason, I felt alone. The man in the chair glanced once more at Warren before he left the room. I watched the man settle back into the position he had before, head bowed staring downward. After about five more minutes, a tall female entered the room. I have to admit, she was beautiful. Long, wavy brown hair cascading down her back, beautiful green eyes and a body that most women practically kill themselves trying to attain. The man who was sitting down practically jumped out of the chair like a jack rabbit when she entered the room. She did look in my direction, but the glance was so quick, I doubt if she even noticed me. The man walked over to her.
    “Can we go now?” he asked, he seemed extremely annoyed.
    I began to wonder if this was the person who might have been visiting Darian...who was she?
    “Yes Sergio, we can go. But this doesn't make any sense at all, they're trying to frame him, but for what reason?” she asked.
    I believed I knew who she was referring to. The man she called Sergio, only huffed and puffed as she speculated on Darian's predicament.
    “Serves him right! Let's go!” Sergio said with malice.
    The woman looked at him as if she wanted to strike him. They shared a long moment glaring at each other, then the waiting room doors opened once again and Xavier stepped into the room, he looked at the three of us.
    “Natasha, you should have told me you were coming to visit Darian, have you seen him yet?” he asked me.
    I shook my head. “Not yet, I had to wait.”
    “Yeah, I was told there was a line.” Xavier said, then he turned his gaze towards the female and her male companion. “Hello Elise, have you visited with Darian?” he asked.
    She smiled sadly and nodded her head. “He is being quite stubborn about drinking the synthetic blood. But he seems to be in good spirits. He requested playfully that I feed him-”
    “I hope you didn't!” Sergio interjected.
    She looked at him sharply. “And if I had, what business is it of yours? Enough of this Sergio, Darian needs help and I don't require your permission to help him!” Elise stated forcefully. Sergio seem to bite his tongue, forcing back any remaining arguments that he may have wanted to express. Elise turned her gaze to Xavier, still ignoring me, I was beginning not to like her and I most definitely didn't like the man she was with.
    “I want to help clear Darian of these outrageous charges! I'm sure if he was going to kill some woman, I would seriously doubt that he would drive around town with her carcass in the trunk of his expensive car.” Elise said chuckling at her last statement.
    I didn't know what part about what she had just said pissed me off the most. That she would think it easy for Darian to kill someone or that she referred to Annette as some “carcass” whatever the case, I rose from my chair.
    “That 'carcass' you were referring to was my best friend!” I said angrily. I didn't care if she liked my attitude or not. Xavier step closer to me and put his arm around my shoulder to comfort me and calm me down. Elise looked at me, a spark of what seemed to be jealousy flash across her face. I began to wonder if Darian and Elise were lovers.
    “Whatever. It just isn't Darian's style, that's all I'm saying. Darian would be smarter than that,” she said smugly.
    Oh yeah, I did not like her I could feel my anger boiling inside me.
    “Well, that's a rock-solid case we can take straight into the trial with us. Hey judge! Darian wouldn't kill someone and then drive around with their carcass in the trunk of his expensive car. No, no, no, he's a much more clever killer than that! So you see, your Honor, you've got to let him go, this murder just isn't Darian's style!” I felt shaky, I knew that I had to lake it easy, but I felt as if I was falling apart, Xavier's arm tightened around me.

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