The Harbinger
would have little idea it even existed.”
    “So what does all this have to do with America?”
    “The prophecy, in its context, concerned ancient Israel. But now, as a sign , it concerns America.”
    “It’s the sign of a nation that once knew God but then fell away, a sign that America is now the nation in danger of judgment…and now given warning and the call to return.”
    “So it was originally given to Israel, but now it’s given as a sign to America?”
    “Yes. So if that same prophetic message, that same warning of judgment, once given in Israel’s last days, should now manifest itself in America, it will be a sign—a sign that America is now the nation that once knew God but then fell away and is now in danger of judgment and now given warning and a calling to return.”
    “So if that word should be manifested in America, it becomes a harbinger of America’s future?”
    “A harbinger,” he answered, “and more than one.”
    “The Nine Harbingers.”
    “Yes. The Nine Harbingers—each one joined to the ancient prophecy, each one joined to this word, and each one carrying a revelation. If these harbingers of Israel’s judgment should now reappear, along with this prophetic word, then the nation in which they reappear is in danger.”
    “And you’re saying that they have reappeared.”
    “All of them?”
    “All nine.”
    “And they’ve all reappeared in America?”
    “And they all concern America?”
    “And Isaiah 9:10 is the key to all of them?”
    “Yes. It’s the key that unlocks each of their mysteries and joins them all together. Each of the Harbingers is connected. Each, when joined together with the other eight, forms a prophetic message. Each mystery is itself a puzzle piece in a still larger mystery.”
    “So two of the Harbingers you’ve revealed. What are the other seven?”
    “Ah,” he replied, “that would be telling. It’s for you to find them.”
    “And it’s for you to help me.”
    “I have. I just gave you the key.”
    “You could give me a little more to go on.”

    He paused, as if carefully pondering every word that was about to proceed out of his mouth. Then just as carefully and deliberately he began to speak.
    “Two of the nine you already know, the Breach and the Terrorist. These form the context. As for the other seven, one is of stone; the other is fallen. One ascends. One is alive; the other once was. One speaks of what is; and the other speaks of what would be.”
    There was a long pause before I ventured a response.
    “You know,” I said, “I’m not telling you how to do your job, but this would all be a lot easier if you just gave me a map and a few subway tokens.”
    “You don’t need a token; you have the key.”
    “And what do I do with it?”
    “You use it to find the Third Harbinger.”

Chapter 7
    The Third Harbinger: The Fallen Bricks

    W E GOT UP from the table, left the reading room, and made our way down and out the library’s front entrance.
    “So this time he didn’t vanish at the end of the encounter,” Ana observed.
    “No. Either that or it wasn’t the end of the encounter. We started down the front steps. That’s when it hit me. We were standing right under one of the lions when I realized it. That’s where I stopped to take out the seal and look at it once more.”

    “I have it!” I said.
    “You have what?” he asked.
    “The Third Harbinger. I know what it is.”
    “And what is it?”
    “It’s the bricks from the prophecy…from Isaiah: ‘ The bricks have fallen .’ That’s how it begins…the image on the seal. That’s what is in ruins…fallen bricks…a pile of fallen bricks.”
    “Very good, Nouriel. Now tell me what it means.”
    “It would be the ruins left in the wake of the Assyrian invasion.”
    “Correct. When the Assyrian attack was over, the people of Israel began surveying the damage. What they found were the ruins of collapsed buildings, heaps

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