The Healer: First Touch

The Healer: First Touch by Amy Clapp Page A

Book: The Healer: First Touch by Amy Clapp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Clapp
Tags: Fiction
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my knees, marveling at the truly glorious sight. Birds began to chirp loudly outside my open window signaling to the world that it was time to wake.
    Another terrfying dream had awakened me in the night. Even when I forced myself to lay back down, squeezing my eyes shut, I could not find sleep. So I gave up and just sat in bed watching the minutes click by on the clock next to my bed. I was anxious to call Jamie. He had asked to run with me the next time I went. I was hopeful that if we ran this morning, I might see the stranger again. A little pang of guilt stabbed at the corner of my heart. I was using Jamie, I knew, but I still believed in my theory; the more time spent outside, the more likely I would see him again. I took solace in the thought that Jamie wouldn't mind. He would just call the run "conditioning" for the football season anyway.
    Anxiously, I watched my alarm clock all the while rubbing my pin between my hands. When the clock finally reached 6:00 a.m., I grabbed my cell phone and dialed Jamie's number. "Come on McMann...pick the phone up," I muttered to myself as his phone rang. When he didn't pick up, I dialed again. On the third attempt, a groggy Jamie answered.
    "Hello?" Jamie's sleepy voice croaked into the receiver.
    "Hey, Jamie. You wanna go for a run?"
    "Jacey?" Jamie asked, "What's going on?" A loud yawn came through the telephone.
    "Do you wanna go for a run?" I repeated.
    "A run? Now?"
    "Yes, now," I answered with a bit more harshness than I intended.
    "Geez, Jace. What time is it?" Jamie was waking up. His words were coming faster as the veil of sleep lifted from his mind.
    "About 6:00. When can you get here?"
    "6:00?! It's Sunday, Jacey. Can't we go later?"
    "No. I want to go now," I whined like a small child.
    It was quiet for a moment and then I heard soft laughter.
    "What's so funny, McMann?"
    "You," Jamie said, laughing harder. "I don't see you for months and then you wake me up in the wee hours of the morning only hours after I left you? Really, Jacey. I'm flattered."
    The pang of guilt I felt earlier stabbed me a little stronger. "Uh...yeah," I stuttered in response, feeling a tad sheepish for calling him so early.
    Laughing, Jamie stated, "Okay, Jace. Let me get a cup of coffee and I'll be there in about thirty minutes."
    "Sure. Thanks." I held onto my cell phone, just staring at it for a moment.
What was I doing?
I wasn't the type of person that used another for her own gain. Jamie was an understanding person and my friend. He likely wouldn't be bothered by my true intentions if I told him. I flipped my cell phone into my free hand and underneath the phone were my angel wings that he gave me. I closed my fingers around the pin. Taking a deep breath, I got off my bed. I wasn't thinking about Jamie anymore.
    I went into the bathroom and flicked on the light. The bright lights were jarring and I squinted my eyes until they adjusted. I washed my face and brushed my teeth quietly, so as not to wake Oma. I ran a brush through my tangled hair.
Why didn't I pull it up before I fell asleep last night?
I finally gave up and wrapped my hair in a messy bun on top of my head. And just as I had yesterday, I stared at the reflection in the mirror. Just plain, unspecial me. I stuck my tongue out at myself. Yep, just like yesterday...nothing special about me.
    I dressed in shorts and a t-shirt and grabbed my running shoes before hopping down the stairs as quietly as I could. No doubt Oma stayed awake last night waiting for me to get home from the bonfire. She would be so tired today. I wanted her to sleep a little while longer. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from the desk in the breakfast nook and scribbled quickly.
    Went for a run with Jamie. Will be back for breakfast and church. Coffee is done. Love, Jacey.
    The coffee was just starting to brew, when I heard Jamie's Jeep pull into the driveway. I hoped he wouldn't beep his horn for fear of waking Oma. I grabbed a bottled water from the floor of

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