The Heart of Mine

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Book: The Heart of Mine by Amanda Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Bennett
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the other day about not wantin' to see me, so I made my way back towards the edge of town. I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly had a really bad feelin' in my gut. I quickly turned around and made my way back to the school. Everyone had already gone back to classes after lunch, and I couldn't be certain as to where exactly Kayla was at the moment.
    When I pulled into the crowded parking lot, I spotted the large SUV in the last row, furthest away from the main building. My heart felt as though it was gonna beat out of my chest and my adrenaline was flowing at an all time high. I hopped down out of the cab and made my way over to the SUV that sat a couple feet away from me. I cracked each knuckle one by one before finally reaching the driver side window.
    My fist connected harder than I had anticipated, but I'm sure it got the point across either way. When no one rolled down the window, I shielded my eyes from the sun and took a peek inside. No one was there. Now I was extremely nervous and agitated. I waited for what felt like an eternity, before I saw his smug face walking in my direction. I wasn't exactly sure what I was goin' to say to him, but the closer he got, the faster I wanted to land my fist against his face. I had a choice to make, one that I wasn't takin' lightly. I could either walk away and find a different time to confront the bastard, or I could just get it over with now, and see what the sorry piece of shit had to say for himself. Time was up!
    "What the fuck do you think you're doin' here?"
    "I'm not quite sure what ya mean, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume that you're Madison."
    "You would assume right. You better answer my question before I force you to answer it with my fist or whatever means necessary."
    He leaned in too close for comfort before he spoke. "I don't take to kindly to threats, in case you haven't noticed. Maybe you should change your tone. We wouldn't want anything to happen to that precious girl and her unborn child now would we?"
    Before I could think, my fists were pushing into his chest as hard as they could. "If you so much as touch a hair on her head, make no mistake, I will kill you this time. And how the fuck did you even know about the baby?"
    "I have my ways, Madison. Don't worry, I don't plan on stayin' long."
    I took the three steps to close the distance between us, making sure he could hear me loud and clear. "Listen good, I won't hesitate to do what I need to, to protect my family. Make no mistake about it."
    "Maybe this time, you might actually succeed."
    I cocked my fist back, ready to lay into this piece of shit standin' in front of me. Who the fuck did he think he was? Just as I was about to bring my arm forward, I felt someone grab me from behind. I turned quickly to see who the fuck this person thought they were. My fist nearly connected with Joey's face seconds later. He braced himself for the impact, but it wasn't necessary. My hand dropped to my side at the mere sight of him.
    "Joey, what the fuck?"
    "Dude, he's so not worth it. At least not right now. School is about to let out. Do you really want her to have to deal with all of this," he pointed between Wren, and me "before she goes out of town? Because if you don't care, then I have no problem jumpin' on the bandwagon to kick the shit out of this fucktard."
    I liked Joey's enthusiasm, but he had a good point. I didn't need Kayla worrying about anything while she was gone. All I could do now, was pray that he didn't follow her back there. Damn stubborn ass woman, why couldn't she just listen to me?
    "Well if you ladies are done, I have a flight to catch."
    I lunged at him, but Joey caught me. "Don't worry, bro. I have this under control."
    I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but at this point, I had absolutely no reason not to trust Joey. So there I stood, in the school parking lot watching my girlfriend's rapist ex-boyfriend leaving to catch the exact same flight I knew Kayla would be on. When the SUV was

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