The Heavenly Baker

The Heavenly Baker by J J Monroe Page A

Book: The Heavenly Baker by J J Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: J J Monroe
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slides free, but it is all too much. This potent sexual chemistry between us is a source of wonder but it is exhausting too. As I feel Matt thrust again I grind into him forcing his cock deeper still into my pussy, and now there is no going back. We are jumping freely into the abyss. I feel the contractions blow through me and as I clench automatically the pin is ripped free from my human grenade and he comes hard inside me. I feel him warm and wet inside my pussy as he spurts again and again, and as his arms enclose me and he nuzzles my neck, kissing me gently, I can hear the beating of his heart in complete synchrony with the beating of my own and everything is well in the world tonight.

Chapter Seven – Midnight Glory
    I was asleep and now I am awake again, staring at unfamiliar darkness and unknown shapes. This is not my home. Momentarily, I am disorientated and then the sound of him breathing asleep in bed next to me draws me back to something familiar. I am in the Big City and if Matt is here sleeping beside me then what happened in the last couple of hours hasn’t been a blissful dream. I wait for my eyes to adjust in the darkness and consider the options.
    I feel wide awake with all these thoughts popping around my brain but if I lie here for long enough then sleep is bound to overtake me, but generally I sleep alone and tonight I have a hunky bed partner and who knows when this opportunity may present itself again? No, that’s wicked thinking. The boy is asleep, so leave him alone. Find your Kindle and go read in the bathroom. I could do that. It is sensible, but he’s here, right here, the guy you’ve had a crush on for months and you got some earlier and you clearly didn’t have to force or coerce him into doing anything earlier, so what makes you think he won’t be up for it now? He’s asleep. Let him sleep.
    This could go on all night, me lying here listening to the two sides of my conscience debate the moral rights and wrongs of me getting some extra-curricular naughtiness, so maybe I need to take the matter out of my own hands, though that’s probably the wrong term to use. He is lying naked on his side, the covers half on him, and now that my eyes have adjusted to the darkness it is quite a view.
    Very gently, I touch the tips of my fingers to his side. He is warm to the touch but he doesn’t stir. His breathing remains regular so I let my fingers start to wander down onto his buttock, onto his biceps, then down onto his chest. It is like a piece of finely carved stone. I marvel at every ridge of muscle, but now I’m bored and horny to boot which is a bad combination. So I take a peek. I move the duvet gently off the Heavenly Baker and marvel at the sleeping beast – a look-but-don’t-touch-policy, you understand. Sure, like that’s really going to happen. I’m in a hotel room with a total sex god and I’m awake. The gods may be smiling on me now but it’s not going to last so I do what any self-respecting girl would do in my position. I fill my boots.
    Leaning over the sleeping sex god, I stroke his balls, cupping them in my hand and magically, like I’m the proverbial snake charmer, the beast comes alive to my magical touch. Now I really do have a dilemma because I’m sure laws are being broken right about now, but he’s here and he’s gorgeous and it’s so difficult to leave him alone.
    I give one final stroke, marvelling at the feeling of him throbbing in my hand, before I release him.
    â€˜It’s no good stopping,’ whispers a husky voice in the night. ‘Not now you’ve got me all revved up.’
    â€˜I thought you were asleep,’ I murmur and the tone of his voice is telling me that my instincts are spot on.
    â€˜I’m not now,’ says Matt.
    â€˜I should have let you sleep, I know that. But I was awake and horny and you’re here and, let’s face it, you’re not going to

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