The Hidden Staircase
    “Speaking of Willie Wharton,” said Hannah, “I heard something about him today.”
    “What was that?” Nancy asked.
    “That he was seen down by the river right here in River Heights a couple of days ago!”

    A Worrisome Delay
    “You say Willie Wharton was seen in River Heights down by the river?” Nancy asked unbelievingly.
    “Yes,” Hannah replied. “I learned it from our postman, Mr. Ritter, who is one of the people that sold property to the railroad. As you know, Nancy, Mr. Ritter is very honest and reliable. Well, he said he’d heard that some of the property owners were trying to horn in on this deal of Willie Wharton’s for getting more money. But Mr. Ritter wouldn’t have a thing to do with it—calls it a holdup.”
    “Did Mr. Ritter himself see Willie Wharton?” Nancy asked eagerly.
    “No,” the housekeeper replied. “One of the other property owners told him Willie was around.”
    “That man could be mistaken,” Nancy suggested.
    “Of course he might,” Hannah agreed. “And I’m inclined to think he is. If your father is staying over in Chicago, it must be because of Willie Wharton.”
    Nancy did not tell Hannah what was racing through her mind. She said good night cheerfully, but actually she was very much worried.
    “Maybe Willie Wharton was seen down by the river,” she mused. “And maybe Dad was ‘unavoidably detained’ by an enemy of his in connection with the railroad bridge project. One of the dissatisfied property owners might have followed him to Chicago.”
    Or, she reflected further, it was not inconceivable that Mr. Drew had found Willie Wharton, only to have Willie hold the lawyer a prisoner.
    As Nancy sat lost in anxious thought, Helen came into the hall. “Something the matter?” she asked.
    “I don’t know,” Nancy replied, “but I have a feeling there is. Dad telegraphed to say that he wouldn’t be here tomorrow. Instead of wiring, he always phones me or Hannah or his office when he is away and it seems strange that he didn’t do so this time.”
    “You told me a few days ago that your father had been threatened,” said Helen. “Are you afraid it has something to do with that?”
    “Yes, I am.”
    “Is there anything I can do?” Helen offered.
    “Thank you, Helen, but I think not. There isn’t anything I can do either. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens. Maybe I’ll hear from Dad again.”
    Nancy looked so downcast that Helen searched her mind to find something which would cheer her friend. Suddenly Helen had an idea and went to speak to Miss Flora and Aunt Rosemary about it.
    “I think it’s a wonderful plan if Nancy will do it,” Aunt Rosemary said.
    Helen called Nancy from the hall and proposed that they all go to the attic to look in the big trunk containing the old costumes.
    “We might even put them on,” Miss Flora proposed, smiling girlishly.
    “And you girls could dance the minuet,” said Aunt Rosemary enthusiastically. “Mother plays the old spinet very well. Maybe she would play a minuet for you.”
    “I love your idea,” said Nancy. She knew that the three were trying to boost her spirits and she appreciated it. Besides, what they had proposed sounded like fun.
    All of them trooped up the creaky attic stairs. In their haste, none of the group had remembered to bring flashlights.
    “I’ll go downstairs and get a couple,” Nancy offered.
    “Never mind,” Aunt Rosemary spoke up. “There are some candles and holders right here. We keep them for emergencies.”
    She lighted two white candles which stood in old-fashioned, saucer-type brass holders and led the way to the costume trunk.
    As Helen lifted the heavy lid, Nancy exclaimed in delight, “How beautiful the clothes are!”
    She could see silks, satins, and laces at one side. At the other was a folded-up rose velvet robe. She and Helen lifted out the garments and held them up.
    “They’re really lovelier than our formal dance clothes

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