The Huntress Book 1 Memories
magical time.
    “Hi, Mom. I’m home!”
    She does not answer me. I lean to get into
our shelter made from cardboard, quite worried. She is sleeping.
This just worries me more, because I have never seen her sleeping
in the afternoon. She seems very weak and I can tell she is so very
cold. I get the feeling she might be dead. I panic at the thought.
I squat beside her. I cry softly:
    I am afraid to touch her. Because I know she
is cold, and I do not want to think about death. She sighs
slightly. I sigh of relief. I take off my jacket and all the
clothes around to cover her, including the jacket I had on me.
    “I loathe her sleeping instead handling some
house jobs.”
    I do not even know if the old man is drunk or
not. Because I came to understand that this way of his miserable
behavior is not necessarily influenced by his drink. I say nothing
to him, loathing, but just hoping that he will leave her alone.
    “She's a fucking lazy whore! A parasite that
ate my life!”
    He kicks her. Mom doubles up with pain.
    A haze is clouding my eyes. Despite the cold,
heat goes through me from head to toe. My ears are clogged. I began
to tremble, hoping to detain my rage. But I fail.
    I sunk into him with a forearm to his neck.
He opens his mouth, shocked and with his breathtaking cut. His eyes
are almost removed from their orbit.
    “She is not the parasite here!” I hiss among
my clenched teeth. “She's not an animal here! She's sick, do you
understand? Sick! And if you ever, ever hit her again, I will kill
    His face is increasingly getting purple. He
has oxygen no longer enough. I think I would feel so good to see
how I drain the life out of him, slowly.
    The idea scares me though. I release him. He
slips and he falls down like a sack.
    I stop paying any attention to him, and I go
back to my mother. I put a hand on her forehead. It's much warmer.
Maybe a little too warm. But perhaps it's because of the clothes I
covered her with. At least she was warm up. I stare at her. I think
she’s the only person in this world that inspires me affection.
Perhaps there were times when I blamed her, or when I was angry
with her. However, I know she did everything she could. And perhaps
it was not necessarily the best, but the how she could. But at the
idea that she would be dead, I shudder with horror. My heart beats
strongly, and in my throat I have a knot that I can barely swallow.
And me, imagining dresses and other nonsense! Ridiculous!
    I watched over her. I do not know for how
long and it does not really matter. When I saw her opening her
eyes, I was so relieved that I smiled. It was dark already.
    “What's with all these on me?” she asked
    “It seemed like you needed some heat”.
    She stood hesitantly.
    “Mother, what is it? Are you sick? Don’t you
feel fine?”
    “Nonsense.” she said, making a vague gesture
with her hand.”Of course I’m just fine.”
    But her voice is very hoarse. Her paleness
turned into a red lit. Her eyes shine unnaturally.
    “Are you sure?” I insist. “Because you surely
don’t seem”.
    “I'm sure.” she says. Go, get out and enjoy
the snow. It's Christmas Eve!”
    I clicked my lips. What to tell! Big
    The snow fall intensified. It's so dark that
if I did not know my path with my eyes closed, I would not see
which way the river was. Snow creaks under my feet. The sneakers
that I got from Kyrya are already wet and my feet are pretty cool.
But I have not yet begun to starve with cold. Anyway, I need to
clear my mind a little.
    I clear some snow on a stump as much as I
can, then I sit down and look into the void.
    Since Sky told me about dresses and corsages,
I kept thinking only about that. Eventually I am only 16 years, to
17. I was a little sarcastic, I know, but I cannot help it. Just
once, to see what it's like to feel in the most beautiful dress
ever! Only to satisfy my curiosity. So, if I can make a wish,
perhaps that would be. To have a princess dress. But as I

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