The Killing Edge
spread out all around her. Her arms, though, had been battered and bloody from the fight she had waged. She looked like a doll, a Sleeping Beauty, except for the band of crimson around her throat.
    Luke awoke with a start, screaming her name.
    He was sweating as if the cabin were a hundred degrees, even though the air conditioner was humming away.
    He stood, shaking his head to clear away the memories. It was all so long ago.
    He walked into the head, turned on the shower and let ice-cold water pour over him.
    He stood there until he felt himself start to shiver, then turned off the water, whipped his towel off the rack and went back to the cabin to dress for the day.
    He liked it better when he didn’t dream, didn’t feel.

    Chloe was jolted awake by the phone ringing and decided to let the answering machine pick up.
    But whoever was calling just hung up on the machine, then called again.
    She rolled over and picked up the receiver, feeling tired and sluggish, as if it were still the middle of the night. Glancing at the alarm on her bedside table, she saw that it wasn’t the middle of the night, but it was ridiculously early, given how late she’d been out: 7:00 a.m.
    “Chloe, are you there?” someone asked before she could even grunt out a hello.
    Stuckey. What the hell was he doing, calling her so early?
    “I’m here. What’s going on?”
    “You shouldn’t have been playing detective last night,” he said, ignoring her question.
    “I was invited. I might even go on that swimsuit shoot,” she said.
    “Yeah?” he asked. “Why?”
    “What do you mean, why? Thanks a lot.”
    “Well, for one thing, I thought you liked to keep a low profile. You’ve never even wanted your name in the paper before, much less your picture out there for the world to see.”
    Because in my way, I’m still a coward, she thought.
    “Look, my point is, you’ve been snooping around, and now you’re planning to keep snooping out in the middle of nowhere, in the same circumstances where a girl went missing. And that could be dangerous.”
    “It can be dangerous to fall asleep at night, too,” Chloe told him, her grip on the phone growing tight.
    “I’m not stupid,” she told him. “I won’t go anywhere alone, and I’ll be rooming with Victoria. In fact, I’d be worried sick if I let Victoria go out there on her own. And if she’s there, you know Brad and Jared will be there, too. I could be a big help to you. Just think about it. The case isn’t closed, but no one is doing much about it.”
    “Hey, don’t get on my case for that. It wasn’t my jurisdiction.”
    “I’m not getting on you, Stuckey. You know, Uncle Leo pulled a lot of strings to get me something on the case. He doesn’t believe she just took off. And I went to court one day last week to pick him up, and her parents were out on the steps of the courthouse, holding a press conference, and they made my heart bleed. They believe she’s dead, and they’re desperate for someone to figure out what happened, for justice.” She was quiet for a moment. “I didn’t know her well, but I met her a few times at the mansion. She was nice. She deserves justice. Remember how you told me once that guys like this—like whoever killed her—aren’t rocket scientists. They eventually make mistakes.”
    “But they’re still dangerous. Let Luke handle this. He’s a licensed professional.”
    “Yeah, right. He showed me his fishing license.”
    “You two got off to a bad start, and I’m sorry about that, but I asked him to help out with this because I do want something done about it, and I don’t want you in danger.”
    “But I can help. I can get Rene to talk to him, for one thing.” Could she? Maybe. The words had come to her lips without her realizing what she was going to say. All she knew was that something inside her felt it was important for her to be part of this investigation, so she had to get him to calm down before he went to her uncle. She was

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