The King of Anavrea (Book Two of the Theodoric Saga)
According to Eve, the gown borrowed its
color from a summer sky.
    “Perfect color for your eyes,” Eve said before
rushing off to some other duty.
    Spreading the fabric against her leg, Lirth
frowned. The silk sprung back as sharply creased as before. Trahern
would arrive any moment to lead her down the aisle. She needed the
material to lie flat.
    “Nobody is going to notice,” Trahern commented
from above her. “Ireic is too nervous and everyone else will be
looking at your pretty face.”
    “Make sure Eve did not hear that,” Lirth
cautioned softly.
    Trahern laughed. Lirth could not help the
responding smile pulling at her mouth.
    “Eve’s beauty surpasses the exterior. The longer
I know her the lovelier she becomes.” He paused. “I have a feeling
you are going to be another such woman, Lirth. Ireic has made a
fine choice. You will be good for him.”
    Something about his tone added an additional
meaning to the words. “You aren’t thinking only of him,
    “True,” Trahern admitted. “You will be good for
the country too.”
    “You mean for the children I will bear?”
    “That and for you yourself. You are discerning
and educated, a perfect confidant. Also, you will give him a reason
to take a stand against the King’s Council’s plans to tax and bleed
Anavrea into anarchy.”
    “You don’t think they are going to accept our
marriage when my blindness comes to light?” The realization made
Lirth shiver. Was she prepared to face revolt? Trahern’s
description of Anavrea’s governmental instability made her realize
exactly how precarious her position would be. “Here I thought I was
saving myself by marrying Ireic.”
    “Your marriage might be the one thing that saves
this country, Lirth. Remember that when it all threatens to fall
apart around you.”
    “How will I manage that?” Her stomach
    “By making Ireic care. I am not saying he
doesn’t love his country. He does, but he doesn’t want to be king.
If he thinks that he can possibly, by the smallest margin, improve
Anavrea’s chances of survival by abdicating, he would.”
    “Why doesn’t he? He would be happier. That is
what you did.”
    “He would not be any happier than I am. Do you
think I don’t grieve as my motherland falls apart, riddled with a
disease I cannot even fight?” Genuine sadness and frustration rose
in his voice. He took a deep breath to calm himself.
    “Why didn’t you accept the crown then?”
    “I couldn’t. Eve would have never survived at
court. Bit by bit, she would have wasted away before my eyes,
taking my heart with her. No. You, Lirth, were bred for this. You
were trained for this. He needs you. Anavrea needs a king and
queen, the promise of future stability.”
    “You sound awfully confident.”
    He leaned close. “I am.”
    “Here is your jacket, Labren.” Eve approached
and helped her husband with his formal coat. “Is there anything you
need?” The shushing sounds of her brushing the fabric underlined
her query.
    Lirth wondered how much Eve had overheard of her
husband’s impassioned speech.
    Eve gave Lirth a quick hug. “The ceremony will
start in any moment.”
    “Then you should find your seat,” Trahern
suggested and sent his wife off with a kiss and an order to stay
off her feet.
    “Why are you so sure that he will love me that
much?” Lirth asked as she adjusted her hand in the crook of
Trahern’s arm. He covered it with his own.
    “I am a married man, Lirth.” Trahern leaned in
so she was the only one to hear. “Trust me, I know.”
    The time for conversation was past and he began
to lead her toward the chapel. Right before they entered, he
whispered, “Welcome to the family.”
    The next morning, a well sprung carriage carried
the royal couple toward Ana City.
    “Are you well?” Ireic’s voice asked, making
Lirth jump slightly at the same moment that the carriage lurched.
She tumbled forward and would have struck the floor, but

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