The Kingdoms of Terror

The Kingdoms of Terror by Joe Dever Page B

Book: The Kingdoms of Terror by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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closed helmet of black steel a voice shouts out: ‘Die, Northlander!’
    Illustration XI —From within the closed helm of black steel a voice shouts out ‘Die, Northlander!’
    The warrior charges out of the Denka Gate with an axe held high in his hand. You cannot avoid him and must fight him to the death.
    Armoured Assassin: COMBAT SKILL  24    ENDURANCE  26
    Due to the speed of this attack, you cannot make use of a Bow. However, if you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control, you may add 1 point to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight.
    If you win the fight, turn to 28 .

    Loud and raucous laughter greets your tired ears as you enter the Stornside Tavern. A motley throng of drinkers, over-dressed and over-armed, prop up the bar along the back wall. Suddenly a voice calls out to you, and you raise your weary eyes. It is the captain, the mercenary leader you met at the Inn of the Crossed Swords.

    ‘Well met, my friend,’ he cries and slaps you enthusiastically on the shoulder. ‘So you've changed your mind. You have come to join my band of fearless fighters.’ Before you have a chance to reply, a foaming tankard is thrust into your hand.
    ‘To the battle and a full purse!’ he shouts, and his toast is echoed by a score of drunken voices.
    The captain and his men are bound for Eula aboard the riverboat that leaves at midnight. If you sail with them he will pay for your passage.
    If you wish to sail with the captain at midnight, turn to 341 .
    If you wish to make your own way to Tekaro by road, turn to 118 .

    It is nearly dark when you catch sight of a tavern on the road ahead. Two guttering torches set into rusty brackets illuminate the sign nailed above the door:
    You recognize the name of the tavern that Cyrilus spoke of this morning, and it grieves you that he is not here to accompany you. Distant thunder rumbles through the hills as you stable your horse and enter the welcoming warmth of the taproom. The tavern is alive with the chatter of merchants, the clink of glasses, and the crackle of a blazing fire. The centre of the room is dominated by a small stage on which a conjurer is performing his tricks to the delight of the customers.
    If you wish to stand and watch the conjurer, turn to 199 .
    If you wish to enquire about a room for the night, turn to 253 .

    The water is freezing cold. It saps your strength, and you find it increasingly harder to swim against the strong converging river currents. Eventually, you reach the rocky bank and stagger ashore near the sewer outfall. Unless you have the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus, you lose 1 ENDURANCE point due to the cold.
    Turn to 249 .

    You choose a seat near the corner: one that is laid for dinner and offers a clear view of the hall. A serving girl soon appears carrying a platter laden with roasted meat, and she proceeds to stack a generous helping on your plate.
    ‘Two Gold Crowns, if you please, sir,’ she says, presenting an open hand bloodied by the food.
    You pay (remember to deduct the Crowns from your Action Chart ) and settle down to your feast. While you are eating, you are approached by the innkeeper. He is a fat, oily individual with small, piggish eyes.
    ‘My lad tells me that he's tended to your mare — she's in good 'ands 'ere — the best stables in all o' Quarlen.’ The man shifts nervously from one foot to the other, as if he is uncomfortable in your presence. ‘You'll be wantin' a room, I take it?’
    You finish a mouthful of food before nodding your reply. ‘You're in luck, my friend,’ he answers, obviously relieved that you have turned out to be a paying guest. ‘We 'ave one room left — Room 17.’
    He produces a plain iron key from his apron pocket and sets it down beside your plate. ‘That'll be 3 Gold Crowns, sir — in advance.’ You pay the innkeeper and slip the key into your pocket.
    Turn to 219 .

    A cry of pained surprise escapes from between your clenched

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