The Lady and the Lion

The Lady and the Lion by Kay Hooper Page A

Book: The Lady and the Lion by Kay Hooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kay Hooper
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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    "Consistent? You're driving me crazy!" She controlled herself with an effort. "I don't want to do this. Do you understand? I don't want to feel like this. Maybe you enjoy stormy, bewildering relationships, but I don't." Even as her normally soft and gentle voice rose on the last words, Erin was completely unconscious of the transformation taking place inside her; she couldn't know that by tapping into the depths of her emotions, Keith had opened a door she hadn't realized was there.
    Born into an elegant and ordered life, Erin had been insulated by her environment as much as by her looks. Molded first by the private schools whose job it was to turn out gracious and accomplished ladies, and then by the coolly dominant father who favored tranquil voices and graceful manners. Erin had never even suspected there was fire in her nature. She had never cared enough about anything or anyone to fight.
    But here was Keith. He was so strong that his drive was like a visible aura, so complex that he confused her totally. Far from talking to her almost unconsciously and unguardedly as so many men did, he was blunt, abrupt, intense, and enigmatic. There was anger in him, and danger, and nothing in Erin's experience had taught her how to cope with such an explosive combination.
    All she had left was instinct.
    If there had been no fire in her own nature, being engulfed in his force could have burned her badly, leaving her, by this point, totally shattered and wanting only a dark corner in which to hide and lick her wounds. If she had been the completely gentle woman they both believed her to be, she could never have held her own with him. But by running hot and cold, Keith had blown on smoldering embers neither of them had recognized, and that fire was burning now.
    "I will not play games with you," she said, almost spitting in her anger. "And I'm not about to stick around here while you make up your mind whether you have the inclination to get involved with me."
    "I think you know what my inclination is," he murmured, eyes narrowed as he gazed at her.
    Her eyes flashed at him. "There you go again! Saying yes in one breath and no in the next. Well, forget it, Keith. I value myself slightly above a doormat. I might have acted like one earlier today, but don't expect a repeat performance."
    "You didn't act like a doormat," he said. "You acted like a very passionate woman. I should have paid closer attention."
    Erin took three rapid steps away from him and then returned to glare at him. In a conversational tone, she said, "Why am I not calling the manager and having you hauled out of here?"
    "Because you're three parts spitfire," Keith said, still gazing at her in fascination.
    She made a sound that might have been mistaken for a snarl, and said between gritted teeth, "Go away. Leave."
    Even more than before, Keith was torn. This new side of her, promising definite fireworks, was mesmerizing, and something his own vigorous nature was strongly attracted toward. If he had felt drawn to her before, it was nothing compared to the pull he felt now. Only the magnetism of her had changed—but none of the rest seemed so important now, while he was with her.
    "Did you hear me?" she demanded.
    "Loud and clear."
    "Then why are you still here?"
    He almost smiled at that aggrieved question. "Erin, would you like to have dinner with me?"
    "No," she snapped.
    "Would you like to go to bed with me?"
    Her mouth opened and then closed, and she stared at him for at least half a minute before saying, "You are the most maddening man I have ever met in my life."
    "Then you're forewarned." This time, he did smile. "I'm afraid I won't be good for you, but I can't seem to be reasonable about this. I have tried... You look surprised," he added, trying not to laugh.
    "Then my face is kinder than my thoughts," she said in a wondering tone of voice. "I feel amazed. Staggered. Stunned. You actually believe I'd go to bed with you after all this?"
    "I'm lower

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