The Last Wizard: Case Files

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Book: The Last Wizard: Case Files by Allen Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allen Brown
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have been here for five years, I still can't get use to it. The sky was as bare as a baby's butt, no cloud or anything that could save us for a brief moment. If those damned pyramids were any taller, I would love them a whole lot more. Not to mention, as a result, the ground being hard and dry, if you don't have good set of boots, like my age old sandals, you will be in pain every night. Trust me.
       I shifted my location to get a better look, for them to close the entire pilgrimage site meant they had found something. The guard was a friend of mine, the fat shit would do anything if I simply paid for his dinner. Donning the traditional Ottoman blue coat, he stood by the checkpoint barring entrance. "Johnny!" He said getting a glimpse of me in the crowd that awaited their turn for their dose of holy tranquility. The place only got busier and busier each passing day as word continued to spread, I needed to get into that monastery before the Church completely moves in.
       "It's Jinn! How could you forget after I fed you those shish kebabs." I said to him, poking at his stomach. I hug onto his shoulder turning him away from the crowd. "Why is there so many people here bud?"
   "The church took over the site." He said, looking at my arm gripping him tight so he couldn't turn away. "They received a pass from the empire, due its historical significance. So, Galahan I believe his name was, is representing the church and setting up security." He pried himself away from me, trying to get back to his post.
       "I see. Thanks bud. I'll see you tonight?" I said slipping past the checkpoint before he could deny me. "Same club right!" I yelled as I waved him off before another crowd tried to enter, forcing him back on duty to deny them, probably journalists or agents from Israel.
       As I walk through a valley of ruins, shadows and death, a long winding road connected me to the top of the hill overlooking the Abu Mina ruins. A once holy site, crushed by the powers of conquest, rested at my feet. Now, a wasteland of broken walls, decaying buildings crumbling by the minute, and sand, lots of sand. Luckily, the old monastery sat in the center, shielding the old site to its left and was what I was looking for. A cold sweat broke from my temple as I head towards the very embodiment of evil, a tomb locked deep in the earth by the sands of time. You would figure something buried thirty odd feet below the ground, should remain so. But, we are in contempt, the church tries to salvage what knowledge they can from old monasteries for its vaults.
       This could only mean one thing, valuable treasure.
       The site was busier, double the archaeologists and double the guards. I need to hit this soon, and fast. Jumping a fallen wall, I escape the worn path to get a better vantage of the dug up monastery. Still buried, except for the golden cross and a portion of the roof near the entrance, a stained window shined brightly back at me. From what I could make, it was red roses. Something more curious, a woman I've never seen before, standing by it holding a staff. She looked about my age, therefore too young to be someone of significance, yet she looked like she carried a weight upon her shoulders. Her skin was brown, but she dressed more like an English woman in her simple gown with puffed out sleeves. She wandered out of view before I could see more.
       I must get closer.
       "Hey you! Get away from there!" Someone unknown to me shouted behind me. I'm not sure what it was, maybe it was the stark voice or the suddenness of his yell that jolted me to my feet carelessly. Just as I did, I could feel the ground beneath my feet crumble and break apart. What happened next, was me riding a small dirt landslide straight to the bottom of the pit like a surfer slicing through a narly wave before braving and barely escaping a narrow barrel ride. That is what I believed to had happened, but truthfully, all I saw was the world spinning and

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