The Lost Night

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Book: The Lost Night by Jayne Castle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Castle
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy
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leftover lasagna and then he more or less blackmailed me into helping him investigate what is going on inside the Preserve.”
” Charlotte straightened, incensed.
    “I know what you mean.” Rachel made a tut-tutting sound with her teeth and tongue. “What is the modern dating scene coming to?”
    “Wait until I talk to Slade.”
    “Thanks, but don’t bother. I exaggerated somewhat. It would be more accurate to say I was pressured into agreeing to assist with the investigation. And it’s too late to back out now. I’ve already committed myself.”
    “But why? How?” Charlotte frowned. “And what in the world could Sebastian possibly use to pressure you?”
    “The entire town of Shadow Bay, for starters.”
    “Excuse me?”
    “Here’s the problem,” Rachel said. “Harry thinks someone in town is responsible for what is going on in the Preserve. If I don’t use my talent to help him narrow the field of suspects, he’ll handle the investigation his way and most likely order an evacuation.”
    “Oh, crap. Slade said something about a possible evacuation but I didn’t think it would come to that.” Charlotte paused, frowning. “I doubt if it would work. You know folks on this island. A lot of them would simply ignore or defy an order to leave. They would conclude that it was some sort of conspiracy to seize their property or expose their secrets or something. There are a bunch of people on Rainshadow who have reasons to keep their pasts buried.”
    “I did warn Harry buthe thinks that whatever is going on in the Preserve is potentially quite dangerous.”
    “So you’ve agreed to help him.”
    “Yes, but mostly because I think he’s flat-out wrong.”
    “About the situation in the Preserve becoming dangerous?” Charlotte shook her head. “Slade agrees with him. I’ve been inside the fence and I can tell you that there is a lot of ambient psi in the Preserve.”
    “I didn’t mean that I think Harry is wrong about the trouble in the Preserve. I meant that I think he’s wrong about one of the locals being responsible. Most of the residents have been here for years. Why would the trouble start now if one of them was involved? Why not a long time ago?”
    Charlotte cleared her throat discreetly. “Not all of us have been living on the island for a long time. Take me, for instance. And Slade. We both moved here recently.”
    Rachel winced. “Same with me. But we’re the exceptions. Regardless, I think it’s best that I keep an eye on Harry Sebastian. I know most of the locals and I understand them. I’ll try to keep Harry from leaping to the wrong conclusions.”
    “I agree. And you won’t be on your own for long. Slade and I will be back in a week—sooner if necessary. You know Slade. He’ll stay in close contact while we’re doing the meet-the-relatives routine in Frequency City. He takes his responsibility as police chief here very, very seriously.”
    Rachel smiled. “I know.”
    “If there’s any trouble, he can be back here within a few hours.”
    “Reassuring,” Rachel said.
    “So that’s what didn’t happenlast night, hmm?” Charlotte gave her an assessing look. “A little lasagna and some delicate blackmail.”
    “That’s about it, I’m afraid.” Rachel picked up her teacup. She decided not to mention the kiss in the kitchen.
Not like it amounted to much,
she thought.
    “Well, as it happens,” Charlotte said, “I’ve got a little gossip to give you.”
    “Sounds good,” Rachel said. “Let’s have it.”
    Charlotte shook her head. “You were never meant to be a member of the HE community, were you?”
    “Hey, according to the Principles, all knowledge is enlightening. As far as I’m concerned, that includes gossip.”
    “In this case, what I have to tell you may balance the harmonic scales a little because it concerns Harry.” Charlotte lowered her voice even though there was no one else in the shop. “Slade did a background check on him as

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