The Love Affair of an English Lord

The Love Affair of an English Lord by Jillian Hunter Page B

Book: The Love Affair of an English Lord by Jillian Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jillian Hunter
Tags: Fiction
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his subjects. To think she had actually wished that day in the rain that he would ravish her. Chloe cringed at the foolishness of that fantasy. “What do you mean?” she asked in hesitation.
    â€œI know why you were banished to our humble village, darling.”
    He knew? He couldn’t possibly. Grayson and Heath had treated her social disgrace as if it were a War Office secret. Which was quite silly, actually, considering that half of London knew. And this man did not seem the sort who read the scandal sheets, but, still, he
have found out.
    She dredged up the standard defense. “I was sent to the country to improve my stamina. I—I have a weak chest.”
    He arched his brow, looking her up and down in a leisurely fashion that brought a hot blush to the surface of her skin. “I do not detect a deficiency in that area of your anatomy, nor in any other part of you for that matter. You look in remarkable good health from where I’m sitting.”
    â€œDo I indeed?”
    â€œIndeed,” he said heartily, then added as a titillating afterthought, “of course, it is dark, and that robe conceals more than it reveals. I suppose I could light a candle and give you a more thorough inspection. Never let it be said I am one to form a hasty opinion.”
    â€œI hardly think we need to go that far,” she sputtered.
    â€œNo? Pity. Well, you do look fine to me. In the dark, at least. In the rain, too, as I recall.”
    It was the oddest, most double-edged compliment Chloe had ever received, making her feel she was losing ground before she’d even gained her feet. Never had she encountered a man who poked so brazenly through the social curtain as this one did, except perhaps her own brothers.
    â€œI happen to be prone to coughing spells,” she said.
    He examined a scratch on his wrist, murmuring, “And to kissing ones, I hear. Behind parked carriages. Tsk, tsk, Lady Chloe.”
    â€œHow—” Chloe couldn’t seem to find the breath to finish.
    Dominic gave her a few seconds before he glanced up and studied her face. “Ah, good. Caught you out, did I? Well, your small social sins have nothing on my eventful past. So the young lady likes stolen kisses, does she? I shall have to remember that. For now, however, no female, even one fetching or as forward as you, will distract me from my purpose.”
    â€œReally,” she said indignantly.
    â€œIt is my understanding you were exiled to Chistlebury for indecent conduct in the park.” He fixed her with a stern look. “In the middle of the afternoon. What
you have been thinking?”
    Chloe was beyond outrage. She was actually quite impressed. First, by his devious means of gathering information. Second, that she’d ranked high enough in importance to rate an investigation. Unless, of course, he was criminally insane and would end up murdering her. The thought reawakened all her anxieties.
    â€œHow could you possibly—how
you have known about that incident?” she demanded. “I mean, why should my behavior matter in the least to a man I barely know?”
    He traced his forefinger along the thin purple scar that crossed his chin. “I have made myself aware of every suspicious activity and person in this village, including you, during the course of my investigation to bring my killer to justice.”
    â€œYou can’t think
had anything to do with the attack on you?”
    â€œOf course not,” he conceded with a frown. “But you did arrive at roughly the same time.”
    â€œIt was a coincidence!” she said feelingly.
    â€œYes. Apparently an unfortunate one for you.”
    He didn’t need to remind her of the potential danger she faced. She had not drawn an easy breath from the moment she’d found him. She glanced at the door of the closet, then guardedly back at him. Her mind began putting pieces together. How could she be

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