Mercurij hath also left an excellent Tract in Italian concerning popular Errors; but confining himself only unto those in Physick, he hath little conduced unto the generality of our Doctrine. Laurentius Joubertus, by the same Title led our expectation into thoughts of great relief; whereby notwithstanding we reaped no advantage; it answering scarce at all the promise of the inscription. Nor perhaps (if it were yet extant) should we finde any farther Assistance from that ancient piece of Andreas, pretending the same Title
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And therefore we are often constrained to stand alone against the strength of opinion; and to meet the Goliah and Giant of Authority, with contemptible pibbles, and feeble arguments, drawn from the scrip and slender stock of our selves. Nor have we indeed scarce named any Author whose Name we doe not honour; and if detraction could invite us, discretion surely would contain us from any derogatory intention, where highest Pens and friendliest eloquence must fail in commendation.
And therefore also we cannot but hope the equitable considerations and candour of reasonable mindes. We cannot expect the frown of
herein; nor can they which behold the present state of things, and controversie of points so long received in Divinity, condemn our sober enquiries in the doubtfull appertinancies of Arts, and Receptaries
of Philosophy. Surely Philologers and Criticall Discoursers, who look beyond the shell and obvious exteriours of things, will not be angry with our narrower explorations. And we cannot doubt, our brothers in Physick (whose knowledge in Naturals will lead
them into a nearer apprehension of many things delivered) will friendly accept, if not countenance our endeavours. Nor can we conceive, it may be unwelcome unto those honoured Worthies, who endeavour the advancement of Learning:
as being likely to finde a clearer progression, when so many rubbes are levelled, and many untruths taken off, which passing as principles with common beliefs, disturb the tranquillity of Axiomes, which otherwise might be raised. And wise men cannot but know, that Arts and Learning want this expurgation: and if the course of truth be permitted unto its self, like that of Time and uncorrected computations, it cannot escape many errours, which duration still enlargeth.
Lastly, We are not Magisteriall in opinions, nor have we Dictator-like obtruded our conceptions; but in the humility of Enquiries or disquisitions, have only proposed them unto more ocular discerners.
And therefore opinions are free, and open it is for any to think or declare the contrary. And we shall so farre encourage contradiction, as to promise no disturbance, or reoppose any Penne, that shall Fallaciously refute us; that shall only lay hold of our lapses, single out Digressions, Corollaries, or Ornamentall conceptions, to evidence his own in as indifferent truths. And shall only take notice of such, whose experimentall and judicious knowledge shall solemnly look upon it; not only to destroy of ours, but to establish of his own, not to traduce or extenuate, but to explain and dilucidate, to adde and ampliate, according to the laudable custome of the Ancients in their sober promotions of Learning. Unto whom notwithstanding, we shall not contentiously rejoin, or only to justifie our own, but to applaud or confirm his maturer assertions; and shall conferre what is in us unto his name and honour; Ready to be swallowed in any worthy enlarger: as having acquired our end, if any way, or under any name we may obtain a worke, so much desired, and yet desiderated of Truth.
OR ,
A further illustration of the same
Of the nearer and more Immediate Causes of popular errours, both in the wiser and common sort, Misapprehension, Fallacy, or false diduction, Credulity, Supinity, adherence unto Antiquitie, Tradition and Authoritie
The first is a mistake, or a conception of things,
Margie Orford
June Hutton
Geoff Dyer
M. R. Sellars
Cristina Grenier
Brian D. Anderson
Chuck Black
Robert Rodi
Jessa Holbrook
Esther Friesner