The Masters of Darkness

The Masters of Darkness by Joe Dever Page B

Book: The Masters of Darkness by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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that he launches his fleet of ironclad warships to blockade our coast. The Sommlending navy is no match for these monstrous sea machines, and without the troops, food, and weapons we have been receiving by sea from Durenor, our days are numbered.’
    Lord Rimoah rises to his feet and stares fixedly into your eyes. ‘Your skill, bravery, and your vow to avenge the death of the Kai are the keys to our salvation. Only you, Lone Wolf, can save us now. You are our only hope in this hour of darkness.’
    Turn to 166 .

    At the first opportunity, you leave the busy street and ride along a little-used alley. It leads to a large, flat-roofed warehouse, common in this section of Argazad. It is unlit and seemingly empty.
    As you halt in front of its sliding steel door, you are startled by a loud screech and the flap of huge wings directly above. You look up to see a dark shape crossing the moonlit sky, and then plummet to land somewhere behind the warehouse. Intrigued by this shadowy creature, you decide to skirt around the warehouse and investigate.
    Turn to 328 .

    Almost invisible against the horizon of black cliffs and cloudy grey skies are two enemy warships, anchored a few hundred yards offshore. At first they look deserted; then the sudden clang of alarm bells and the appearance of huge clouds of yellow smoke from their funnels indicate they are manned, and they intend to give chase.
    ‘Our only chance is to outrun them,’ says Davan, his eyes narrowing as he surveys the ironclads hauling their anchors and turning about. At his command the crew spring into action, breaking their backs to coax every last knot of speed from their battered ship, but the winds are against them and the enemy, not reliant on sails for their propulsion, are soon closing the gap.
    ‘Prepare to repel boarders!’ shouts Davan, as an ironclad draws alongside. Hastily they abandon their attempt to outrun the enemy, and draw weapons in readiness to receive a unit of leather-clad Drakkarim marines who are poised to spring aboard the very moment the two vessels collide. Then, with a resounding crash, the ironclad smashes into the side of the
and the enemy come scrambling over the rail, screaming and howling like a pack of demons.

    One of their number singles you out. He strides forward, his black blade swinging viciously as he attempts to cleave your skull in two. Owing to the speed of his attack you are unable to make use of a Bow.
    Drakkarim Marine: COMBAT SKILL  23    ENDURANCE  27
    You can evade combat at any time: turn to 7 .
    If you win the combat, turn to 248 .

    At first you are puzzled by your newfound invulnerability; then you remember the Golden Amulet that Banedon gave you before you left Toran. Its magical powers have saved you from serious injury. Silently you give thanks to your old friend.

    The explosion has caused havoc aboard the
. Men run howling across the decks, their clothes and hair ablaze, as the fire spreads swiftly throughout the ship. ‘Save yourselves!’ cries Davan. ‘Abandon ship!’ You reach the deck rail, and, as you look along the beam, you see scores of men — Drakkarim and Sommlending alike — hurling themselves into the cold, dark waters of the Kaltersee rather than perish amid the roaring holocaust of fire.
    If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery or Divination, turn to 4 .
    If you do not possess either of these skills, turn to 224 .

    You are in combat with a powerful spirit-creature, summoned by Darklord Gnaag from the Plane of Darkness. You fight to suppress your fear, for, by feeding upon it, the creature is growing stronger and stronger.
    Mind Reaper: COMBAT SKILL  30    ENDURANCE  36
    This supernatural being is especially susceptible to psychic attack. Double all bonuses you would normally receive if you choose to use either Mindblast or Psi-surge during the combat.
    If you win the combat, turn to 306 .

    The creature howls with malicious joy,

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