The McClane Apocalypse: Book One

The McClane Apocalypse: Book One by Kate Morris Page B

Book: The McClane Apocalypse: Book One by Kate Morris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Morris
Tags: Fiction
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stomach. Obviously the baby feels it, too, because he begins kicking her in the ribs incessantly.
    “Right, Sue. Let’s not worry until there’s something to worry about,” chirps in Hannah in her sing song-y, irritatingly cheerful voice. Hannah continues kneading the dough that will be bread for this evening’s meal. “I’m sure they’re fine. You know how the communication systems are right now. But Derek’s so big and strong. He’ll be fine. Besides he’s got his brother John with him.”
    Sue chops tomatoes that Arianna had picked from the hothouse earlier this morning. She slices and slices and tries to keep her mind off of her absentee husband and his unknown whereabouts. The last she’d spoken to him was right after she’d passed her six month mark. She is terrified of giving birth to a fatherless baby. She’d begged him to come home. But her husband is a Ranger and Rangers don’t just leave the Army and run home to wipe their pregnant wives’ brows. Besides, there is still that small issue of desertion.
    The back, screen door slams open, hitting the wall as Reagan noisily barges through. She’s changed so much since she came home. They had all prayed for so many hours together in the parlor after it all fell apart. They couldn’t reach her, and Grandpa couldn’t reach Dr. Krue. It had sent them into a full-on panic. It had been one of the most helpless feelings Sue had ever dealt with. It was even worse than how helpless she’d felt when Arianna had fallen ill when she was four. That had seemed insurmountable. The thought of losing her sister was a dagger to her heart. She had wanted to jump in her car and drive to the school, but Grandpa had stopped her. After the first full day of not seeing her turn up, their hope had diminished. They had become desperate, Hannah had wept most of that day. And when Reagan had made it home, their prayers had been answered. But it became quickly apparent that Reagan had changed. Whatever had happened to her, it had scarred her inside as well as the visible scars she carries on the outside. She won’t talk about that night, not even with Sue. Grams said to give her time. Something about “time healing wounds” and some such nonsense. Sue knows that her young sister will never totally return to her old self. She can see it in her green eyes.
    Sue takes one look at her sister’s appearance and smiles to herself. Reagan’s dirty as usual and covered in dust. Hay sticks out of her wild, blonde curls in places, the usual. Her boots are the biggest problem, though. Sue almost chuckles but checks it at the last minute.
    “Reagan McClane, you get those filthy things back on the porch this instant, young lady!” Grams screeches at her. Sue believes that if Grams had been holding a broom, she would’ve swooshed it at Reagan like she’d seen a rat in the house.
    “Sorry, Grams,” Reagan says quickly as she chucks her boots unceremoniously onto the back porch. Mud literally falls off in big clumps. Reagan comes in and sits directly in front of Sue on a matching stool at the island. “Any word?”
    “No, we were just talking about it,” Sue informs her. Her sister takes a piece of tomato and pops it into her mouth. At least she’s finally putting on a small snippet of weight again, Sue thinks. Reagan had become emaciated during her recovery period. “I just have this horrible feel...”
    She is cut off as Reagan reaches for her hand and squeezes it.
    “Don’t, Sue. Don’t do that!” her little sister reprimands sternly, her emerald eyes warning. “There’s no time for that. Not anymore.”
    “It’s just that the last time we spoke he was finally being honest with me. He said it’s not good out there. He’d just been sugar coating the facts before, not wanting to upset me. He said the President’s announcements are full of lies and misleading information. They are just trying to keep people from being afraid. Derek says it’s not getting any better. He

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