The Millionaire Cowboy's Secret
done with them.
    Despite the mini explosion in the barn, she knew that hadn’t been due to ammunition. According to the reports she’d been given, if a stockpile the size of Matt’s blew, it would have left a crater.
    Matt’s devotion to his horses was obvious after this morning. She knew he wouldn’t do anything that might endanger them.
    Ergo, he must have an outbuilding on another part of the ranch. No doubt far enough away from the livestock that it would never be a threat.
    Hefting the heavy flashlight in one hand, she set out, glancing back over her shoulder to see if anyone was watching her. Flashing lights down the road indicated the arrival of the fire trucks. The still-burning barn illuminated the corral of agitated, frightened horses, the flickering light of the flames an eerie mix with the sour smell of smoke.
    The acrid scent seemed to follow her as she set off. At the last moment, she decided to go the same way as Matt. She had a hunch. While she didn’t doubt he was actually searching for his stallion, she knew if she were in Matt’s position and someone had set fire to a barn, her next concern would be to check on the stored ammunition. In case that was his plan, her best bet would be to follow him while continuing to keep an eye out for the missing horse.
    * * *
    “That Skylar chick surprised me. She was really something,” José mused, falling into step beside Matt.
    Matt hid his grin. “Yes, she was. She’s obviously a horse person. Without her, I’m not sure we could have gotten all the horses out.”
    “Yeah, we need to have a talk with the stable hands.”
    “I agree.” Matt grimaced, the knot that had settled into his gut twisting. “They were so disorganized and in such a panic that they got in each other’s way.”
    “You’re also wondering if one of them might have had something to do with starting the fire,” José guessed.
    “Exactly. They said they’d already fed the horses. What were they doing feeding so early?”
    “True. And why didn’t they smell the smoke?”
    Considering, Matt nodded. “Especially since Skylar did.”
    “True. Speaking of her...” José glanced back over his shoulder as if to make sure she hadn’t followed. “Do you think she might have had something to do with this?”
    “What?” Shocked, Matt stopped, staring at his friend. “Why would you think something like that?”
    “To smoke out where the ammo is, of course.”
    “But to endanger all those valuable horses...” Matt’s horror-filled voice trailed off.
    José shrugged. “Just a thought.”
    “I think you’re way off base with that one. You saw her this morning. She was obviously concerned for the horses.”
    “And that’s it? That’s the only reason you don’t suspect her?”
    “Isn’t that enough? Plus, what would be her motive? The ammo thing doesn’t really fly, as any idiot would know not to store explosive ammunition anywhere near horses.” And, even though Matt didn’t say it out loud to his friend, the simmering attraction he felt for the redhead also had something to do with it.
    Ha. He needed to make sure he thought with his head, not with his groin. Which was ironic, in its own way. He’d never had a problem getting women, and most of them, like the models he occasionally dated, were happy with his no-commitment philosophy as long as he occasionally bought them a bauble or two.
    Maybe that would be the solution. But though he knew if he picked up the phone and called, any one of them would come running, the knowledge did nothing for him. He simply wasn’t interested.
    No, he was better off keeping his focus where it belonged—on his plan to draw in Diego Rodriguez. He was too close now to screw it up.
    Meanwhile, his most valuable horse had completely vanished.
    “I don’t see him.” Once again, José shone the flashlight beam out into the pasture. The high-intensity light illuminated a good area, but there were no signs of the stallion.

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