The Mistress of His Manor

The Mistress of His Manor by Catherine George Page B

Book: The Mistress of His Manor by Catherine George Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine George
Tags: Fiction
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wasn’t going to be a next time.’
    Amen to that, thought Jo with feeling, and jumped out of bed. ‘Come on, Kitty-cat—time to get dressed. Hazel will be here soon—you can tell her all about the baby.’
    Hazel Carter, mother of Molly and a great favourite of Kitty’s, had worked for the Logans for years, and still preferred to help Kate with the running of Mill House rather than wait on tables in her daughter’s restaurant.
    ‘Thank God for Hazel,’ said a very haggard Jack at the breakfast table. ‘If she just sees to Kitty for a day or two—that’s all I ask. To hell with the house.’
    ‘When she gets here, go back to bed for a bit,’ advised Jo. ‘I’ll go home to change, then drive into the office to spread the news and keep things ticking over. But I’m taking a long lunch hour, boss—to visit Kate.’
    Jack got up to hug her. ‘Thank you, Jo. Though you must be tired too. Knock off early today.’
    ‘I’ll see how I get on.’ She kissed Kitty’s butter-smeared cheek. ‘See you later, poppet.’
    Jo’s morning passed with constant interruption. Once she’d announced the arrival of Thomas John Logan, she had visits from staff eager to pass on their congratulations. By the time Jo was ready to leave for the hospital she was in possession of a huge bouquet of flowers, several cuddly toys and, from her female colleagues, a pile of magazines and a basket of French toiletries.
    ‘Goodness,’ said Kate, once Jo had left off hugging her to look in the crib beside the bed. ‘What a haul!’
    ‘And none of it from me.’ Jo smiled down at the pink sleeping face. ‘Gosh, he’s chunky.’ She looked up at Kate, who looked tired and pale, but otherwise better than Jo had expected. ‘Was it a battle to produce him, Kate?’
    ‘It wasn’t a walk in the park, certainly, but he’s worth it.’ Kate smiled indulgently. ‘Wild horses wouldn’t make Jack admit it, but I think he’s secretly delighted to have a son.’
    Jo shook her head vehemently. ‘He’s just delighted that you’re both safe, believe me. Kitty, however, would have preferred a sister.’
    Kate laughed. ‘She’ll be fine once she actually sees the baby. Jack’s bringing her in with Grandpa this afternoon. How is Tom, by the way?’
    ‘He was very tired last night—but, Kate, you should have seen his face when Jack told him the baby’s name!’
    ‘But his grandson’s not to be Tommy. He must be Tom, too. By the way,’ added Kate, ‘Hazel’s happy to move in with us for as long as I want, which is good.’
    ‘What can I do to help?’
    ‘Just see that things run smoothly at the firm, darling, so Jack can spend more time at home for a bit.’
    ‘I’ll be only too glad to,’ Jo assured her, then bent to kiss her mother. ‘You’d better take a nap before your next visitors arrive. How long will you be here?’
    ‘I might be home tomorrow.’
    When Jo had finished for the night she drove straight to Mill House, to find Jack and Tom enjoying a drink in the kitchen while Hazel prepared dinner. Kitty ran to her sister joyfully, full of her visit to Mummy and little Tom.
    ‘He’s so little, Jo!’
    ‘He’ll soon grow.’ Jo smiled warmly at Hazel. ‘Thank you for moving in.’
    ‘I’m only too glad to. It’s a change from living on my own.’ She eyed Jo closely. ‘You look as if a good rest wouldn’t do you any harm, dear. Are you staying for dinner?’
    ‘Actually, if you’ve got everything in hand, Hazel, I’d rather go back to Park Crescent. Is that all right, Jack?’
    He nodded. ‘Of course. Do you want to come in with me tonight, to see Kate?’
    She shook her head. ‘Tell her I’ll pop in tomorrow lunchtime again.’
    ‘Make sure you eat something,’ said her father severely. ‘Have you got any food at your place?’
    ‘How about some of this chicken casserole?’ said Hazel. ‘I made loads.’
    ‘Hazel, you are a godsend,’ said Jo thankfully.
    ‘Want you to stay here,’ said Kitty,

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