The Neighbor [The Complete Collection]

The Neighbor [The Complete Collection] by Abby Weeks Page B

Book: The Neighbor [The Complete Collection] by Abby Weeks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abby Weeks
Tags: Fiction, Literary, Suspense, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary, Womens
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didn’t mean that she was. She hadn’t given up on her marriage yet. But she was getting something that she genuinely needed from her displays to Henry. And she was beginning to realize that it was something she couldn’t do without.
    Right now, what she really wanted more than anything else, was to be closer to Henry. She didn’t want to be so close that he could touch her, but she wanted him to be watching her from closer quarters. She wanted to be able to see precisely his reactions as he watched her. She wanted him to be able to see her more clearly, more intimately.
    She pressed her body against the glass window, flattening her breasts against the glass. She thrust her pelvis forward so that her shaved cunt was pressed against the cold surface of the glass. It was closer but it was nowhere near close enough. They were still separated by twenty yards of cold, night air and two panes of window glass. She felt a million miles away from him. And she felt lonely.
    She looked over at the phone. She remembered the feeling she’d gotten waiting for someone at Ben’s office to pick up. She allowed herself to feel the rage that his affair was stirring up in her. Then she left the window and, still naked, grabbed a bath towel from the washroom and went downstairs. She knew that Ben could come home at any minute but she didn’t care. If he caught her doing what she was about to do then at least it would bring things to a head. She wasn’t afraid to confront him. Not right now, in this moment of utter loneliness and desperation.
    She walked, naked, to the kitchen door that led out to the patio and opened it. The cold air flew in and rushed over her skin in a ghostly embrace. She steeled herself against it and stepped outside onto the side patio. She walked across her lawn and through the hedge onto Henry’s lawn. She looked up and saw that he was still watching her from the upstairs window. He hadn’t moved a single muscle.
    She walked around to the back of the house to the patio beside his pool and threw her towel on one of the deck chairs. Then she went to the diving board and stepped onto it. She felt vital and alive in the cool night air, her naked skin exposed to the night like nature had intended. She felt like some nocturnal hunter on the prowl. It was a thrilling feeling to be naked outside at night. The diving board was long and white and took her out over the water. She stood at the end of it, her arms in the air above her head, and arched her back, pushing her breasts and vagina forward toward the water.
    Then the pool lights came on. There were dozens of little spotlights built into the side of the pool, submerged beneath the water and they made the pool look magical. Lights on the side of the house came on too, shining down on her and the smooth surface of the water. If any of the other neighbors were looking out their windows they would see her there, naked as a nymph. She looked toward the house and saw Henry standing at his patio doors as motionless as he had been upstairs. Now he was so much closer, though. She was only a couple of yards from where he stood. She felt as if the power of his gaze had been amplified by the proximity. It thrilled her. In her pussy, right where a penis would be if she was being fucked, she felt a surge of pleasure.
    She turned and faced him and silently mouthed the words that were going through her head, over and over.
    —Look at me.
    Janey dived into the cool water in perfect form. She hardly made a splash. Henry stood by the glass, motionless as ever, and watched her swim back and forth, lap after lap, naked as a mermaid. She found that once she started swimming she couldn’t stop. It felt so good to be moving through the clear water, to have it flowing over her body. Knowing that Henry was there watching her muscles strain against the water gave her strength. Back and forth, back and forth she went. She got into a rhythm and just kept going. It had been years since she’d

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