The Nesting Dolls

The Nesting Dolls by Gail Bowen Page B

Book: The Nesting Dolls by Gail Bowen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gail Bowen
Tags: Fiction, General, Mystery & Detective
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the inspector the copy of Abby’s e-mail and repeated the story she told us. When Delia said she was unable to remember the names of the men who might have fathered her child, Inspector Haczkewicz’s eyes were questioning, but she didn’t press the point. Twenty-seven years is a long time and, as Delia emphasized repeatedly, the sexual encounters had been casual. Having satisfied herselfthat Delia’s memory on that point was a dry well, Inspector Haczkewicz moved along.
    Zack had no difficulty convincing her to authorize a search for a missing person. Although there was no evidence of foul play, Abby Michaels’s actions revealed a woman whose state of mind was fragile, and Debbie Haczkewicz had seen enough frozen bodies to know what a prairie winter can do to the vulnerable.
    Zack had been concerned that Debbie might stick at the possibility of granting temporary custody of Jacob to the Wainbergs, but it was she who introduced the possibility. “Why not?” she said. “Abby Michaels made her intentions clear in the note she left in her son’s car seat, and it’s not as if Child Services is overrun by desirable foster homes.”
    Zack handed the Inspector his camera. The photos from the concert were on display. “Take a look at these,” he said. “I’ve put them on a flash card for you in case you have to justify your decision later.”
    Debbie Haczkewicz’s gaze moved from the images on Zack’s camera to Delia. “The physical similarity between you and Abby Michaels is persuasive,” she said. “But let’s cover all the bases. If you and Zack agree, I’d like to take a DNA swab.”
    “Fine with me,” Delia said.
    Debbie nodded. “Good. Given the fact that you’ve been cooperative and relatively forthcoming, there shouldn’t be a problem getting a court order granting you temporary custody.” Zack handed her the flash card and she dropped it in her briefcase. “The fact that it’s Sunday and the weather is godawful may slow us down, but I’ll do my best.”
    Zack and I saw the inspector out. She reached for the doorknob, and then turned back to Zack. “Leo sends his regards. He loves Japan, he loves teaching English, and he loves his new girlfriend.”
    Zack grinned. “A happily-ever-after ending,” he said.
    “For Leo, yes, but not for me,” Debbie said. “Sapporo is a long way from Regina. I want my son to be happy, but I want him to be happy closer to home.”
    When Zack and I came back into the kitchen, Delia was snaking her scarf around her neck. She stopped when she saw Zack. “So what are our chances?”
    “Pretty good,” Zack said. “Deb seems convinced that granting you and Noah temporary custody is the right course of action, and when she makes up her mind, she’s a bulldog.”
    Delia gave the scarf a final toss. “Okay, I’ll go back to the house and wait for the call.”
    “Are you still planning to take the girls to the concert this afternoon?” I asked.
    Delia raised her eyebrows. “You don’t think the school will cancel because of the weather?”
    “Not a chance,” I said. “Lutherans are a hardy bunch.”
    As she calculated her options, Delia was thoughtful. “Noah and I will drive the girls,” she said finally. “We need to be there – especially now.” With that, she headed for home, leaving behind the lingering scent of her signature Chanel No. 5 and many, many questions.
    I asked Zack the big one first. “Is all of this really a surprise to you?”
    “Believe it or not, it is,” he said. “And ever since Delia dropped the bomb, I’ve been trying to figure why she didn’t tell me at the time. As you’ve pointed out more than once, Delia and I are joined at the hip.”
    Zack began clearing the table, handing me the dishes to rinse and stack in the dishwasher.
    “And you never suspected anything?” I said.
    “No, and Delia was back that Christmas. She stayed with Noah. I remember thinking Ottawa must agree with her.When we were in school, she was

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