“Kathryn, could you find Maureen’s interview notes for the spot this afternoon? I’m going to have to see who I can browbeat to take over from her for now.”
“Yes, boss – your little chat with her didn’t go too well, eh?” Kathryn asked sympathetically.
“Oh, it went so well that she left the station in tears and says she won’t consider her next move until after the baby’s born – like, about six months from now.”
“Uh, uh. Guess you’re going to be looking for a new chat show host. I’ll get that material together for you – do you want me to put the word out?”
“Not yet. Maybe you’d ask personnel to dig out all recent applications – maybe there’ll be someone there we can use.”
“Oh, yes, using people is your thing, isn’t it?”
Jed jumped at the voice. It couldn’t be – he looked up to see Anna Findlay glaring down at him.
“Just what the hell are you doing here? And what do you mean saying I’m using people?” He was furious – especially as the attraction he’d felt for Anna sprang right back into life just looking at her.
“You were planning to tap into my fame as a writer by getting me into bed and then selling the story to get some publicity for your sordid little act. I heard you on the phone - scared your show would be cancelled if you didn’t get some spice into it.” Anna’s eyes flashed like iced diamonds.
“Well, believe me, if you so much as try to sell a story about Saturday night – any part of Saturday night – to the tabloids, or this television station, I will sue you for every nickel you’re worth. And I’ll make sure you never work again.”
As she turned on her heel and walked away, Jed shook his head. What on earth was that all about? She was trying to use him for publicity, not the other way around! If she thought he wanted to use her for publicity, she had better damned well wait until she was invited on one of his shows!
The altercation had drawn some interested looks from a few employees in the canteen. He got to his feet and stalked towards his office, fury boiling in his gut. When he caught up with the tricky Miss Findlay, he’d make sure she knew exactly what he was thinking. Or most of it, anyway.
But he wasn’t prepared for the shock he received when Kathryn, his secretary, handed over Maureen’s research and program notes.
Anna Findlay was the interviewee!
He scrubbed his face with his hands – and then a wonderful idea began to dawn.
“Just what is the delay? I was told to be here for two o’clock to be ready to go live at 2:45? It’s 2:30 yet and I haven’t even had a camera or sound check or met Ms Delgado,” Anna said, letting her frustration show. If she didn’t, she knew she’d likely betray the fact that television appearances terrified her, and she certainly didn’t want the cool young studio assistant who was looking after her to know that little snippet of personal information.
“Oh, there’s been a bit of a problem. Ms Delgado was taken ill,” said the young woman, who had introduced herself as Leone. She leaned confidentially towards Anna and added: “She’s pregnant, and not feeling well. But, don’t worry, it’s all been sorted out now – you’re going to be on camera with the boss,” she beamed.
“Well, that’s good,” Anna said, not at all sure she was ready to have her plans changed at this late date.
“Oh, don’t worry – it’ll be fine. There’s no need to be nervous.”
“It’s okay for you – you’re not going to have your life and work dissected on screen in front of a few million people,” Anna told her. Leone grinned and motioned for her to follow her down a plushly carpeted corridor to a double door with a green light above.
“Let’s get you all settled with a microphone and everything, and then they’ll check your make-up and the boss will be out to have a pre-show chat,” the assistant said reassuringly as she sat Anna down on a leather armchair on a
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