The Ocean

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Book: The Ocean by Mia Castile Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Castile
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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hands. I wanted to hear her, to see her, to touch her. These thoughts were not taking it slow. I settled for sending her a text.
    U still up?
    My phone beeped seconds later.
    Yes what’s up?
    Just read ur note. Thanx.
    U started it. I liked urs 2.
    It’s wrong to say but miss u.
    There was a pause of four minutes before the next message came. I went too far I suddenly feared.
    Me 2. go 2 bed.
    I almost heard her giggling.
    In bed. U go 2 bed.
    Was asleep u woke me up.
    Oops, now I felt bad. But immediately another text came across from her.
    Did I make u feel bad I’m j/k lol.
    I smiled.
    Nah. Not a game player.
    Good! Had enough of that.
    See you in the am?
    I set the phone down next to my bed and slowly drifted off to sleep. The next thing I knew was my alarm going off, thirty minutes earlier than the day before. I hit the snooze but rol ed over on my back and stared at the ceiling. She liked my smile, she liked my eyes, and she missed me when I wasn’t there. I went to the bathroom to get ready for school. I picked out a pair of new jeans that my mom said made my butt look good. It was embarrassing enough coming from my mom, and I also felt like a girl for picking them to wear today because of that reason. I got a t-shirt and put my sneakers on. I fixed my hair twice in the mirror. I was ready. I was more nervous than the day before. I went to the kitchen, had a decent breakfast of Cap’n Crunch, and was out the door on time.
    I looked for the big green truck from the early nineties and parked close to it. I assumed they were already inside. I had ten minutes before the warning bel . I approached the front door and there she was, sitting on the stoop reviewing note cards. Her hair fel in loose curls around her face and over her shoulders. She wore some old-looking flare jeans that had holes in the knees, grey sneakers, and a snug black V-neck t-shirt. It came down pretty low. My eyes lingered there long enough to make me think about touching her skin. She looked up mouthing “te quiero” as she saw me.
    I suddenly couldn’t take my eyes off her lips. I froze in place as someone knocked into my shoulder. I didn’t see or care who it was. She smiled, laughing at me. I smiled back embarrassed. I walked over to her; she stood and put the cards in her bag.
    “Good morning.” She smiled stil as she threw her bag over her shoulder, and we went inside together.
    “Good morning. Did you sleep wel ?”
    “I did. Did you?”
    “I did. Before I forget, here.” I slid my note into her back pocket. It was just an excuse to touch her. Then I leaned in and whispered in her ear. “Don’t get caught with that; it’s top secret.” She shook her head OK, playing along with a serious face. We were at our lockers now. She went to hers and began unloading her stuff. I did the same. I knew I had only a few minutes, and I didn’t want to have to run again.
    “See you at lunch?” I smiled and waved.
    “Definitely.” She smiled. I thought of our textversation from the night before. She must have, too. I turned and went up to my chemistry class, very pleased with the start of my day.
    “You never wrote me notes.” I was trying to ignore Jil ian who hadn’t shut up since I got to class.
    “Every relationship is different,” I said under my breath as I tried to keep up with the scribble Mr. Jackson was writing on the board.
    “You are not in a relationship with her; you don’t even know her. You just met her yesterday. Besides she looks like a Gothic wannabe. Her hair isn’t even black, but that’s al the freak wears.” She almost spit the words at me.
    “I wil be with whoever I want to be with. You wil leave me alone or I’l …” I had turned to face her now.
    “You’l what?” She smiled evil y.
    “Just leave us alone.”
    “You’l see. You and me.” She pointed her finger from her to me and back. “We’re meant to be.” She went back to her notes and left me alone the rest of the

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