The Parlour (VDB #1)

The Parlour (VDB #1) by Charlotte E Hart Page B

Book: The Parlour (VDB #1) by Charlotte E Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte E Hart
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I talk to him? I just thought we should help Roxanne, you know. He sounds pretty aggressive.” She laughs at me and pats the top of my head.
    “You’re cute, you know that? Rox’ll be fine. She’s handled him all her life just about. And he’s actually being quite normal at the moment by the sounds of it.”
    “Who is he?” I ask, still craning my head to try and get a glimpse of the man.
    “His name’s Pascal Van Der Braack, and if he ever comes within ten feet of you, you get down on your knees and put your head on the floor. That way he’ll hopefully honour the fact that you ain’t ready, okay?”
    “Yes, really, lovey.”
    “But I don’t know what he looks like. How will I know if it’s him? And why should I–”
    “Oh, you’ll know him, lovey. He’s like a devil coming at you, with green eyes and a smile that evaporates panties. The world parts for him, you know? He’s just one of those Doms that needs no explanation. But here’s the thing, Lilah. You ain’t ready. You remember that when those eyes look at you, no matter how much you might think you want him, no matter how much your pussy screams for him, which it will, you just get down on the floor and then you beg for him not to touch you.”
    I’m not even sure what I should say to that.
    “I don’t understand what you mean,” I respond as I watch her pressing the lift button over and over again, as if she’s desperate to get away from the argument still going on. “Why are they arguing? If he’s as bad as you say he is then we should go and help her, shouldn’t we? What if he hits her or hurts her?”
    I don’t know why, but her desperation to leave is only fuelling my need to go and intervene. I might not be the strongest person in the world, but bullying is something I can’t stand. I’ve never had any patience for bullies. That came from two years of having to deal with it myself at college. It was one of the main reasons I left England in the first place, to get away from the constant barrage of texts and emails I received from a certain group of girls. I never did know why they disliked me, or felt the need to call me all the names under the sun when I walked past them. Dad said it was just girls being girls. It wasn’t until I slapped one of them in sheer desperation that they stopped. I just found the courage one day, or maybe the lack of will to go through another day of it, and I stood up for myself.
    Funny how things change when you do that.
    “Lilah, come,” Vixon says, snapping me out of my mini daydream. I look down to find that I’ve somehow managed to walk over to the doorway separating us from the voices. “Seriously, Lilah, get your skinny backside over here before I make my boys do some fucking work.”
    Something suddenly flashes behind the glass door and I stumble back as it’s thrown open in front of me. Vixon’s two men are by my side in a heartbeat and I gasp as they both drag on my arms to pull me away from it.
    “You will. I will not discuss this matter with you any longer. You are of no importance in this decision, Lucinda,” the male voice says, as he erupts into the hall space. An eruption is a fair description of what happens when I eventually see his actual body moving past me from the doorway. I’ve never seen sin move before, but I have now. If there was a thought in my brain, it’s gone. If there were any words in my throat, they’ve abandoned me. And I’m pretty certain if it wasn’t for the men holding me up, I’d be on the floor by now. He’s the most breathtaking thing I’ve ever seen, and I haven’t even seen his face. He’s magnificent, almost other worldly in his appearance, as he strides away from me in a cream suit, tailored to perfection. I want to speak, or think, but I can’t. I just can’t stop myself from watching him move. He suddenly stops and turns his head towards Vixon with a look I hadn’t even realised existed. It’s Godlike as he towers over

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