The Pleasure Bot (Planet Desire Book 4)

The Pleasure Bot (Planet Desire Book 4) by Delilah Devlin Page B

Book: The Pleasure Bot (Planet Desire Book 4) by Delilah Devlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delilah Devlin
Tags: Fiction, Romance
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hand along the polished leather, his fingers found a rounded protuberance at the center.
    “Tsk, tsk. Priscilla! ” He gave her a wicked grin. “Is this what I think it is?”
    Priscilla’s cheeks flushed scarlet. “It’s an exercise machine. I work out on it.”
    “I bet you keep your pussy well-oiled with your workouts .” He laughed when her expression darkened with outrage. “I don’t think you’ll need this, love. Not this weekend, anyway. Although, I might like to watch you ride .”
    “Jerk!” She shoved the apparatus at him and darted away.
    He held out a hand to keep it from toppling, and then chased after her. She was nearly at the door before he caught her by the arm and swung her around.
    She gasped and pounded at his chest.
    Ignoring her puny blows, he hefted her high, his arms encircling her thighs, just below her buttocks.
    Her hands curved around his skull, and she tugged hard on his hair while kicking at his knees.
    His face was smashed against her belly, and his cock lodged between her knees. Her squirming was only heightening his arousal. Slowly, he let her slide down his body, pausing when her breasts were level with his mouth to give each a nip.
    “Oooh!” She smacked him on the shoulders, but her hips writhed, and she clasped her thighs around his shaft.
    If she really didn’t want this, she could do him harm. Instead, she let his cock slide along her inner thigh as he lowered her further, until he was wedged lengthwise between her labia. Hot, moist labia.
    Face to face, her mouth trembled. “Please, release me.”
    Declan lowered one hand to her backside and forced her hips harder into his. His sex slid along the groove of her sex. With his mouth an inch from hers, he said, “Is that what you really want, love?” He drew his hips back and ground them forward again. Please say no!
    Her eyelids fluttered, and she moaned. Her hands clutched and pushed as though she still fought her desire. “Please…”
    “I aim to do just that. But first, you have to tell me. Be specific.” He ground in and out, twisting his hips to increase the friction.
    Her hands gripped the tops of his shoulders, and she leaned back so that only the tips of her breasts touched his chest. “Please! I need…”
    But she wasn’t trying to escape.
    She slid side to side, raking the turgid points across his skin and tangling them in his chest hair. Her face tightened, and her lips lifted as she hissed, “Soooo good.”
    “Tell me,” he commanded, fighting the need to nudge her legs apart and sink inside her slick cunt. He glided his cock between her legs, nudging again, his legs shaking as he fought himself for control.
    Her face screwed into a look of intense pleasure. “Please Declan …fuck me .”
    With a growl, he captured her lips, sucking the lower between his teeth to nibble while he glided in and out between her legs, rubbing against her cunt. He wanted more. He needed her to beg, to acknowledge she needed this as much as he did.
    Then he closed his lips over hers and pushed his tongue between her teeth, rimming her mouth, gliding along her tongue. When at last he needed air, he raised his head.
    “Please, please, please !” she chanted, her hands gripping his hair, her mouth sliding along his jaw.
    He pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “I’ll have a bed beneath your back this time for the pounding I intend to give you.”
    Priscilla leaned back and licked her lips. “Sounds…violent.” She was breathless, and her heart hammered against his chest. She was ready.
    “It will be,” he purred. “Eventually.”
    Walking to the bed, he crawled onto the mattress, bringing her body with him to the center. He’d intended a slow pillaging, but the urgency in his groin had him roughly pushing open her legs, until there was space for him between. Then he hooked his arms beneath her knees and spread them wide and high, exposing her moist, pink flesh fully to his gaze. She was lovely.
    The bare outer lips

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