The Redeemed
    “That’s right. You’ve been gagged because we have neighbors. Couldn’t allow you to call for help.” He shoved her through the door. “Follow me downstairs for my surprise and then I will get you something to eat.”
    She managed the stairs relatively well, leaning into the railing until she reached the bottom where she stopped walking and used the wall to stay upright.
    Mike stepped around her and led the way down the corridor to the next stairwell. He looked back once. She stayed close behind him, her naked form tight, sinewy.
    A floor below, at the small window he installed in the wall, Mike looked in at Father George. The man was on his knees in the center of the room, a rosary wrapped around his clasped hands, head tilted back, praying.
    Mike slammed the wall and yelled, “Where’s your God now? You think whispering words and looking skyward will save you?” Mike roared with laughter. “If there really is a God, I would love to see him.” He turned to Eve. “Do you believe in God?”
    She shook her head.
    “Good girl. Smart girl.” Back at the window, George was on his feet. He mouthed something, but the room was too sealed to hear him.
    “What’s that?” Mike shouted.
    Father George’s mouth moved but nothing came out.
    “To hell with you, George.” He pointed to a small lever in the wall beside Eve. “Push that down, will you?”
    Eve complied.
    Mike pressed his face up against the glass and watched as dense smoke emitted from the vent on the wall.
    Eve stepped closer and peeked inside the room, too. She frowned when she saw Father George.
    “Let me explain,” Mike said. Eve’s pleading eyes met his. “This room is sealed off and the walls are lined with asbestos. Encased inside the room, I filled a holding tank with concentrated sulfuric acid. That lever you just pushed,” he pointed at it again, “released cyanide pellets into the sulfuric acid which turns it into hydrogen cyanide gas. Basically, it’s an asphyxiant gas, similar to the kind used in the chambers where they gassed people during World War II.”
    Eve’s forehead glistened and her eyes widened as she struggled with what he was telling her. She peeked through the small window again. Mike followed her gaze.
    Father George held his throat, his mouth wide, gasping for a clean breath.
    “Take a couple large breaths, Father George. Get that gas deep inside. You’ll die faster and avoid a painful, prolonged death. Hurry up the process.” Mike looked at his watch.
    Eve looked away. She gagged as she bumped into the wall.
    “Hey, take it easy. Don’t you go throwing up on me.”
    Mike took one last look at Father George. He had moved to the vent in the wall. He ripped at the homemade seal around it, even as his body was convulsing with death.
    “Nooo,” Mike yelled. “Leave that alone.”
    If the seal broke, some of the toxic gas would enter the corridor. He would need an oxygen mask to survive. But the only oxygen mask he had was in his van at the rear of the building.
    Father George’s body bucked and kicked as the gas took over.
    Eve gagged behind her sealed off mouth.
    Everything was coming apart too fast, unraveling. He needed Eve to finish his mission. Eve was there in the beginning in the Garden of Eden with Adam and he needed Eve to be there at the end.
    Father George was still now, the contortions over, life finished, death accomplished.
    Mike grabbed Eve and slapped her. Her bladder released and the strong scent of urine filled the hallway. She was devolving in front of him, her throat convulsing.
    The only way to save her was to get the duct tape off her mouth. He grabbed it around the back of her neck and pulled. Eve moaned louder than at any other time before. None of the tape came away, only hair.
    He pulled again but only succeeded in lifting Eve up a couple of feet.
    Everything he

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