The Rising Force
Obi-Wan saw two
    Arconan border guards hurry away. He knew they were going to alert
    Clat‘Ha that the two had returned – and had come from Offworld territory.
    That meant, of course, that Qui-Gon would discover that Obi-Wan has disobeyed his order.
    Si Treemba stopped. He turned to Obi-Wan, his luminous eyes glittering once again with the same warm light. ―We thank you, Obi-Wan. We owe our lives to you.‖
    ―You owe your capture to me, too,‖ Obi-Wan answered ruefully. ―I‘m sorry Si Treemba.‖
    ―But once again your courage saved us,‖ Si Treemba said, grasping
    his shoulder.
    ―What about your courage?‖ Obi-Wan countered. ―Think about it Si Treemba. You were dying, and you still would not betray me. You just faced down a Hutt!‖
    A slow smile spread over Si Treemba‘s face. ―So we did,‖ he said, pleased ―So we did.‖
    ―Don‘t get too cocky,‖ Obi-Wan said with a sigh. ―We still have to face Clat‘Ha and Qui-Gon. They aren‘t going to be happy about this.‖
    As soon as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Si Treemba were gone, Grelb slithered to Jemba and told him everything.
    The giant grey Hutt loomed over Grelb, gasping in rage. Jemba was hundreds of years older than Grelb, and also much larger. ―SO,‖ Jemba growled looking around his stateroom in a rage. ―I knew it. The Jedi Knight and his young pupil have joined with the Arconans against me!‖
    ―It was inevitable, O Great One,‖ Grelb said. ―They do not like our kind.‖
    ―It‘s your fault!‖ Jemba said. ―I should chop off your tail for
    this and have it for dinner.‖
    Grelb‘s hearts began racing in fear, and he immediately coiled his
    tail up near his body.
    Jemba continued, ―If you were going to sabotage the tunnelers, you
    should have waited until we got to Bandomeer.‖
    Grelb tried to look hurt by the accusation, but Jemba did not fall for it. The huge slapped Grelb‘s face hard enough so that Grelb felt as if his brains had turned to jelly.
    After picking himself up off the floor, Grelb said, ―You‘ve never complained about my methods before!‖ Theft, sabotage, and murder were Grelb‘s methods, but he made sure that Offworld Mining always profited by
    ―But this time there are Jedi around!‖ Jemba roared.
    ―I did not know that the boy was a Jedi when I gave him his first beating,‖ Grelb apologized. ―If I had, he‘d be dead by now. I promise, next time –―
    Jemba pointed a huge finger at Grelb. ―The boy is onto our schemes. There won‘t be a next time. Let me handle this!‖
    ―As you please,‖ Grelb said. He turned away and slithered from the room. As the door hissed closed behind him, Grelb clenched his fists, imagining that he was squeezing the throat of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
    Of course there will be a next time, Grelb promised himself. Chapter 12
    Obi-Wan considered retiring to his cabin, but he knew he would rather face Qui-Gon sooner than later. He suggested that Si Treemba get some rest, but the Arconan refused.
    ―We will face them together,‖ Si Treemba said. drawing himself up
    to his full height.
    They found the Jedi and Clat‘Ha in the Arconans‘ lounge, were the lights were always turned low to simulated night and the music doids softly played Arconan flutes. Few Arconans were in the lounge so late.
    The few that we had their eyes closed, and stood as still as statues –
    the Arconan equivalent of sleep.
    Qui-Gon stood at the bar, drinking some bluish juice. Clat‘Ha stood near him, an untouched glass of juice sat in front of her on the bar. One look at them and Obi-Wan knew they both were aware of what had happened
    on the Offworld side of the ship.
    ―At least you‘re still in one piece this time,‖ Qui-Gon said, eyeing him coldly.
    ―Well, did you discover anything?‖
    ―No,‖ Obi-Wan admitted. ―Si Treemba was captured before we could
    find the thermocoms.‖
    ―Obi-Wan rescued us,‖ Si Treemba praised. ―we were shackled to the
    floor, and he stood up to Grelb the

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