There was more to life than great sex. She had a thriving business, a neat house she enjoyed decorating, and according to her doctor she was now as healthy as an ox and had achieved the weight loss she needed to stay that way. As far as she was concerned, for the first time ever her life was in perfect order, and she didn’t need a man messing things up.
Chapter 4
I think I’m having a real moment here,” Amber said, smiling at Carla. “I like what you just said about inner joy and peace. Just this afternoon I was talking to Jennifer and Eileen, and they’re under the misconception that you need a man in your life to make you happy. But from the principle you’ve presented, a person is the source of their own fulfillment, right?”
Carla couldn’t help but grin. “It depends on what type of fulfillment you’re talking about. The only thing I’m saying is that no one, man or woman, should be dependent on anyone else to make them happy. They’re accountable for their own happiness and the less dependent on others you are, then the more free as a human being you’ll feel and become.”
Amber’s smile widened. “Hey, that’s deep.”
“Yeah, I thought so too while I was reading the book and I couldn’t wait to share it with the two of you.”
Carla then turned her attention to Brandy, who she noticed was still picking at her food. “You’ve been awfully quiet tonight. Is anything wrong?”
Brandy’s gaze darted from her plate to Carla, then to Amber. From the look on Amber’s face Brandy knew she’d been thinking the same thing, but Carla had asked first. She hadn’t added much to their discussion on emotional and spiritual fulfillment, and all through the Savvy Sistahs meeting she’d been unusually quiet. She was known to stir up conversation in a group discussion. But her mind was still on the note she had found in her office that afternoon.
She sighed, wondering if she should tell Carla and Amber, and knew she had to tell someone. Once they read the note maybe they could convince her there was nothing to be concerned about—it was just a prank.
“Someone left a rose in my office today while I was out attending meetings. There was also a note.” The slight tremor in her voice got both women’s attention.
“What did the note say?” Carla asked softly.
Brandy reached into her purse and pulled it out. She handed it to Carla, who read it then passed it to Amber. Both women met her gaze and Brandy could tell they would not assure her that there was nothing to be concerned about.
“What did you do about this? Did you alert security? Did you call the police?” Amber’s outraged voice held anger as well as concern. Before she could respond Carla hit Brandy with another question, her eyes wide and dark.
“Do you have any idea who ‘The Man’ is?”
Brandy shook her head. “No, I didn’t alert security nor did I call the police, and I have no idea who ‘The Man’ is.”
“I can understand why you hesitated to call the police, but why didn’t you alert security?” Carla wanted to know. “This isn’t your typical secret-admirer letter. This note is downright threatening, and how did this person get into your office anyway?”
Brandy rubbed her temple. That was the same question she had asked herself several times over the course of the evening. The only answer she could come up with, since there hadn’t appeared to be any signs of forced entry, was that the person had a key to her office, which meant ‘The Man’ could be just about anyone. There were several people, including members of the maintenance crew and housekeeping, who had keys to her office.
“I think it’s someone who’s trying to scare me,” Brandy said, meeting Carla and Amber’s gazes. “And I hate to admit that it’s working.”
Carla frowned. “Why would anyone want to scare you? Who would benefit from doing such a thing?”
“Lorenzo for one. He came to the hotel two weeks ago asking that I sell it
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