The Scent of Sake

The Scent of Sake by Joyce Lebra Page A

Book: The Scent of Sake by Joyce Lebra Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyce Lebra
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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mother said, “If
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    you don’t become pregnant soon we may have to bring the child into the house, especially if it’s a boy.”
    Rie bent over her hands, her mouth open, feeling the pressure of her mother’s words. She would have to lie with that disgusting fool every night. “But Father hasn’t retired, and when he does my husband will succeed. Why do we need to think of another generation now?” She rested her forehead on one hand, elbow on the table.
    “Please, Rie.” Her mother looked admonishingly at Rie’s un-feminine gesture.
    Rie took her elbow off the table.
    “It’s always well to be prepared in advance in case something should happen to Father. We need to think ahead, for continuity of the house. It’s just as important as looking after the family altar and ancestral graves. I know you realize that, Rie. And Father will want to retire before long. He would like to see things more settled. It would set his mind at rest if there were an heir.”
    Rie sat forward and poured tea for her mother and herself, her hand trembling. Then she excused herself and went out to the garden, her oasis for silence and thought. Still shaken by the news, she leaned against her favorite rock and gazed at the koi swimming lazily in the pond. She knew she would have to try to become pregnant again, as soon as possible. Her honor as daughter of the house depended upon it. She sighed, her lips pursed together tightly. For several minutes she sat in silence, willing away the words she’d heard, wishing she could undo the last twenty minutes. Then coming to a decision, she lifted her chin and returned to her mother’s room. She announced her presence, and entered properly on her knees.
    “Mother, wouldn’t a geisha object to giving up her child?” “Those women don’t. She knows the child will have a better
    chance in life here in a house of substance than out there in the water world, especially if it’s a boy.”
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    Rie sighed and slumped. “Jihei spends so much time out at night, Mother. I don’t know what to do.” Unbelievable. Now she actually wanted Jihei home at night to force himself on her so she could get pregnant. But how could she keep him from going out?
    “I’ve never told you this before, Ri-chan.” Hana put down her sewing and looked at Rie. “But your father had a child by a geisha too.”
    What? Rie put a hand to her mouth to stifle a cry.
    “But since you were already in the koseki register, we didn’t have to bring the geisha’s son in. I was fortunate. It’s more difficult for you, having this geisha’s child the firstborn. But I know you want to have a child, Rie, as soon as possible. It’s so sad that you lost your first.” She picked up her sewing again as if to end the conversation.
    Rie frowned. “Yes, but what should I do?”
    “Try to make yourself more attractive, Rie. Pay attention to your grooming. Cook one of his favorite dishes some evening.” She glanced at Rie.
    “Oh. . .” Rie put her hands on the table and looked at them critically. The thought of enticing Jihei made her sick to her stomach.
    “Put on your best kasuri kimono some night . . . and here.” Hana turned to the dressing table behind her, a piece made of polished paulownia wood with carving around the mirror, her favorite antique.
    “Here, dear.” Her mother held out a small red round lacquer box with a plum blossom design on the cover. “This is a special perfume cream my mother gave me. It’s from Kyoto. We can’t find it here in Kobe. They say it gives a woman special powers with a man, makes her irresistible.” Hana smiled but with an un-derlying steel that belied the gesture. She opened the lid and held the box under Rie’s nose. Not accustomed to using scents, Rie
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    inhaled the aroma, heavier and spicier than anything she had ever smelled.
    “Try a bit tonight, dear. It may help.”
    Lure that vile man to her body. Repulsive! But it was

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