The Sea Maiden

The Sea Maiden by Mary Speer Page B

Book: The Sea Maiden by Mary Speer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Speer
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hand instantly, feeling scolded.
    “Yes of course, I can wait.”
    “So tell me about your trip.”
    “Well there really isn’t much to tell it was quite tedious, father mostly slept. Lynnette and I chatted and enjoyed the scenery. The countryside is breathtaking it reminded me of my horse, Thunder. Lynnette and I go riding almost daily if the weather permits it. Perhaps tomorrow Lynnette and I can go riding early?”
    “Hmm…riding horses that’s quite a masculine practice and can be dangerous for young ladies like you, I must confess I’m not partial to the idea.”
    “Well, Lord Harmon I can assure you Lynnette and I are experienced riders for 5 years now. My father-”
    “I’m afraid most of the horses here are work horses and are not accustomed to being ridden for sport. In time I would prefer that you become more familiar with the arts and home decor which is more becoming for a lady. Also after we are wed we will be traveling right away and we will be home very little.”
    “I see.”
    Karina and Lynnette exchanged glances as they sipped their drinks. A knock on the door alerted them; the butler announced the arrival of Dr. Carrington who Lord Harmon had summoned earlier to the house to check on Lord Pembroke after he reported feeling ill.
    “If you will excuse me ladies I have some business to attend to.”
    Gunther left the girls to their thoughts, which were not pleasant ones for Karina.
    “So not only do I get my food monitored but now I’m to give up riding my horse too. He’s out of his mind if he thinks I shall humbly be his showpiece content with decorating!” Karina said angrily. She took a deep breath, “But for now I will simply be agreeable and smile a lot. He must not sense me to be a rebel.”
    Then she deliberately reached for another biscuit and gave it a large bite but was too upset to finish the rest. Lynnette quietly listened to her vent then said.
    “Karina now that we’re alone can you please tell me what exactly is your plan?”
    Too distracted and upset, Karina tried to repeat what she had gone over in her mind during the trip but told Lynnette she first needed to be filled in on her father’s condition. Since nobody addressed her she decided to go find out for herself.
    “I will tell you later Lynnette let me check on father first. It bothers me that Lord Harmon summoned a doctor but didn’t feel it necessary to inform me of my own fathers care.” 
    Dr. Carrington examined Lord Pembroke, he told Gunther that Lord Pembroke was very ill and should not have traveled.
    “He’s in a lot of pain and discomfort I will give him a sedative to help him sleep and numb the pain…he will likely sleep through a hurricane tonight.” Nate was standing nearby and saw the vile Dr. Carrington gave Lord Harmon. “You can give this one to him tomorrow night if necessary.”
    “What if one, more night is not enough?” Gunther asked.
    “Very well I will write you a prescription. Don’t exceed more than one vile per night. You know where to reach me if you need me?”
    Dr. Carrington picked up his medicine bag and declined Lord Harmon’s invitation to stay for dinner on account of several more house calls he needed to make. Karina approached Dr. Carrington in the hallway before he left wondering why Lord Harmon had not involved her in her father’s medical care. She introduced herself to him.
    “Dr. Carrington I am Lord Pembroke’s daughter, Karina, how is my father?”
    “Pleasure to meet you my dear, your father is sleeping for the time being, but he’s very ill the best I can do for him now is make him comfortable, with the medication I gave him, he will be more rested tomorrow. Now if you will excuse me my dear, Lord Harmon, I must be on my way, have a good evening.”
    A servant helped the doctor with his coat and escorted the white haired doctor to his carriage. Karina worried over her father’s condition it disturbed her that Lord Harmon called the doctor without

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