will turn into poisonous mud, water will be even more precious than gold.” They speak of tidal waves, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, weather changes, worldwide sickness, clouds of static electricity, a pole shift, meteor showers, cities gone, rubble everywhere, and “God’s wrath exploding.” The abductees are given to understand that this will be a “cleansing.” Although it is unclear to them whether they are seeing actual future scenes or possible scenarios, the emotional impact is usually severe.
According to at least two of Mack’s abductees, the aliens confessed that they had destroyed the environment on their own planet through similar disregard and had to move underground, where they deteriorated physically, having previously resembled earthlings. According to Sparks, the aliens’ motives are less than altruistic and noble. He claims that they are harvesting Earth products for profits in other parts of the galaxy and are simply trying to protect their investment! Credo Mutwa, a South African shaman, agrees. He says, “They don’t love us. They need us . . . how will they get things from us if our bodies are dirtied with drugs and toxins from the air?” This brings us to the most incredible part of the story, and the most damaging to the alien claims of selfless service to mankind.
Mack devotes an entire chapter in
Passport to the Cosmos
to the alien program of hybrid development. It is now well established that for decades aliens have been impregnating Earth women with alien seminal seed, and in many cases collecting human sperm from men and using it to impregnate female aliens. In a typical case, they remove the human egg, add the alien component, and then reimplant the fertilized egg in the woman’s womb. They then let the pregnancy advance for three months, at which time they return to remove the fetus and transport it to their laboratories, where it is immersed in a fluid-filled incubator. For a full discussion of the hybrid project, see chapter 19.
In the chapter titled “Trauma and Transformation,” Mack takes the position that although the abductees may be terror stricken and traumatized initially, as they usually are, if they refuse to be victimized, confront the fear squarely, and take advantage of the opportunity for growth, ultimately their consciousness expands, and they become transformed. Does this mean that such transformation is the intended result of the experiences and that the aliens are using some sort of shock treatment to force us to grow up and save the planet? Isabel asks, “How do we know that [they] . . . aren’t using extreme emotions to help us grow?”
However, the evidence in
Passport to the Cosmos
strongly suggests that such transformation is a by-product of the experience—the result of a courageous reaction and the triumph of the human spirit over life-shattering and psyche-shattering events. The abductees testify that exposure to the fourth dimension, where the aliens basically reside, is, by itself, life transforming and that it demolishes previous illusions of our cocoonlike material existence. They also say that the comprehension of the immensity of a creation that includes such strange creatures with such marvelous powers is a powerful, mind-opening, and religion-confounding realization. Ultimately, the abductee becomes acutely aware of his or her own inner power. Karin sums it up nicely when she observes that the collapse of the barriers between dimensions allows one to become “very aware of your soul. You’re very aware of your higher consciousness, that thing inside of you that’s you.”
This means that individual growth is simply an unavoidable, unintended result of what the aliens are doing. It is beginning to appear that perhaps all the alien concern about an environmental apocalypse is really an elaborate, deceptive cover story to justify the hybrid program, and that perhaps Sparks is right—they are
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Heaven Lyanne Flores
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