The Shadowhunter's Codex
if one of the partners becomes a Silent Brother or Iron Sister: The Marks of transformation that new oblates take are among the most powerful that exist and overwhelm and dissolve the parabatai Marks of binding just as they overwhelm and dissolve more ordinary warrior’s Marks.
A Shadowhunter may choose only one parabatai in his lifetime and cannot perform the ritual more than once. Most Shadowhunters never have any parabatai at all; if you, newmade Nephilim, find yourself with one, consider it a great blessing.
• If you are not sure you can handle the demon yourself, do not engage it in battle or even in conversation.
• Remember such things as the number of demons, exact location, their current activity.
• If you know the demon’s species (or name, in the case of a Greater Demon), report it; if you don’t know the demon’s species, remember possible identifying features such as:
» Skin color (gray, green, purple-black, iridescent) and texture (scales, hide, bony spikes, fur)
» Presence of slime, color of slime
» Number of eyes, mouths, noses, arms, legs, heads
» Size (compare to other things of similar size rather than trying to estimate actual measurement—e.g., “about as big as a grizzly bear”)
» Noises (languages spoken, high-pitched voice versus low-pitched voice)
» Gender markings (very rare except with Greater Demons)

» Noticeable strengths (eats rocks or metal, ability to cling to walls and ceilings, etc.) and weaknesses (sensitive to being harmed by frostbite, compulsive need to count individual grains of spilled rice, overweening pride)
» Obvious sources of physical danger: fangs, talons, claws, spines, constricting body, acid blood, prehensile tongue, etc.
• Bring your thorough report to your local Institute, which will evaluate the threat and decide on next steps. You can assist by searching for the demon you’ve seen in Deutsch’s Demonfinder , the definitive resource cataloguing demons based on their physical characteristics. (It is, however, quite possible that the Institute already knows of the demon you’re reporting, in which case the investigation may be quite short.)

Demons, the great trespassers into our universe, are the reason why the Nephilim exist. They are the shadows that we hunt. Though our work managing and maintaining the careful balance among Downworlders and mundanes often feels like the majority of our responsibility, it is secondary. It is the work we do when we are not fighting demons. The primary task of the Shadowhunter, the mission granted us by Raziel, is to eliminate the demon scourge by returning the demons, once and for all, to the Void from whence they came.
The very word “demon” is problematic. Its etymology in English has nothing to do with evil spirits at all; it is used to describe these creatures only because of translation confusions in the early days of Christianity, many years before the Nephilim began. We use the word “demons” to describe the creatures we fight because Jonathan Shadowhunter used the word, based on his own religious history. Most human belief systems have some concept that represents what we call demons: Persian daevas, Hindu asuras, Japanese oni. To keep terminology uncomplicated, we refer to them as demons, as do most Nephilim.
Demons are not living beings in the sense that we usually understand. They are alien to our universe and are not sustained by the same kind of forces that sustain us. Demons do not have souls; instead, they are powered by a roiling demon energy, a vitalizing spark that maintains their form in our dimension. When demons die, this energy is separated from its physical body, and that body will be yanked quickly back into its home dimension. To human eyes, this disappearance can take many forms, depending on the species of demon. Some explode into dust, some fade from view, some crumple into themselves. In all cases, however, no remnant of the

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