The Sheikh's Green Card Bride

The Sheikh's Green Card Bride by Holly Rayner, Lara Hunter Page B

Book: The Sheikh's Green Card Bride by Holly Rayner, Lara Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Rayner, Lara Hunter
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dropped a huge bombshell.
    “Uh, yeah. The kettle’s on the stove and there are tea bags on the counter.” She stared at his back in bewilderment as he jumped off the sofa and found a tea cup in her cupboard before pouring himself a mug and carefully walking back to face her again. He dipped his tea bag delicately, watching the fluid change color.
    The silence dragged on until Nicole couldn’t take it anymore.
    “Is that it? You’re really just going to tell me that you’ve decided to get married and leave it at that? You can’t hold down a relationship for longer than a month, if that!”
    Bahir took another bite of muffin, then smiled at her again. What was going on?
    “That’s true, but I think the solution I’ve found will be the perfect one. You see, it all depends on marrying the right person, doesn’t it?”
    “And who, exactly, do you intend to marry?” she asked, a cold shiver running down her spine.
    Bahir’s stare bore right into her soul. “You.”
    They stared at each other for what seemed like eternity, the word floating in the air between them.
    “You can’t be serious.”
    Bahir tilted his head like a confused puppy. An extremely handsome confused puppy. Why did he have to be so handsome?
    “Why wouldn’t I be? You know me better than anyone, Nicole. Besides, I can make it worth your while, and you know it. I’ve spent the night thinking it through. I can offer you a million-dollar stipend each year, as well as anything else you want. Name your price, Nicole, and I’ll give it to you.”
    Nicole was dumbfounded. Did Bahir really just propose to her in the worst possible way—like she was some kind of business deal he wanted to close?
    “There’s no way I’m your closest friend. You have lots of friends.”
    Bahir shook his head. “We both know that’s not true. Come on, Nicole. Think about it! You can enjoy the lap of luxury and set yourself up for life, financially. In exchange, all I’m asking is for you to marry me for a few years so I can get the secured visa I need as a spouse, and then we can go back to the way things are now, friends as usual.”
    “I’m not your friend, Bahir. I’m your subordinate.”
    “Details! Come on, Nicole. There has to be something you want, other than a million dollars a year. What is it?”
    Nicole sat back against the sofa and ran a hand over her eyes, trying to think. Bahir wanted to entice her into a green card marriage. It wasn’t something to take lightly. If they were caught, they could both end up in jail, and Nicole had some doubts that even his money could get him out of that. So what was the one thing that was worth taking that risk, and tying herself in matrimony to her wayward boss?
    This was her chance. Her brother was sitting at home without a hope in this world…and now she could give him one.
    She looked back at Bahir, determined. “If I decide to do this, I want you to offer my brother a job. He’s graduated from Stanford with a business degree, and he would make a valuable asset to your company.”
    “Consider it done,” he said, flippant. Would it really be that easy?
    “I want you to know that he is legally blind. It doesn’t detract from his ability to work, but it would seem other employers have a difficult time accepting that when they meet him,” she said, her tone defensive.
    Bahir shrugged. “Why should I care about that? If the man can conduct business, who cares if his eyes work or not?”
    Nicole nearly cried at that comment. Her brother had struggled so hard to prove himself worthy in a cruel world, and now he might actually have a chance to succeed. But still, marrying Bahir? Her expression faltered.
    “Look,” Bahir said, leaning over and taking her hands in his.
    She stared at their joined hands, fighting to ignore that tingling sensation that made itself present once again.

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