packet and sheathed himself with the condom. With a purpose that was unmistakable, he bent and kissed her neck, a knee moving between her legs as his mouth moved down lower, capturing a nipple between his teeth, then soothing it with his tongue. “No! I can"t,” she gasped but her arms tensed and held his head in place, the feelings that had spiraled to unimaginable heights started all over again, taking her body with the increasing crescendo. She felt his erection pressing against her softness, probing gently but with more force and her body instantly relaxed to accommodate his size. Her breathing increased and her eyes closed, afraid that his perceptive gaze would see the truth.
Her hands held his shoulders as her body braced for the invasion, the pain. But as he slid deeper inside her, she was surprised to feel a fullness, a completeness. It was wonderful! More than wonderful! She opened her eyes and smiled into him, forcing herself to relax as he struggled, his shoulders and forehead glazed with sweat.
She wrapped her legs around his waist, arching into him, her smile encouraging him to continue.
With that simple gesture, Dharr moved forward, hesitated, then broke through her barrier and stopped, fully enclosed within her but shock breaking out on his face as he looked down at the woman in his arms. If he hadn"t been watching her the whole time, he would have missed the slight cringe cross her face.
“ Ellie?” he said, stilling inside of her but his whole body was clamoring for release. Was she a virgin? Impossible. She was too bold, too sensuous and much too beautiful for her to have remained untouched at her age. But the tear that touched the edge of her eye proved that she in fact was a virgin. Or had been, he realized, cursing himself for being too aggressive. He should have slowed down and found out more about her.
Her eyes opened and her hands reached out to smooththe worry in his eyes. “Thank you,” she said as if that were the end.
“Thank you?” he growled. She thought this was the end? Tossing his head backwards, he stared at a space beyond the bed, searching for the strength to go slowly, to make this an incredible experience for her. He"d foolishly taken her virginity, the least he could do was make this the best experience possible.
His eyes moved back to her face and carefully, slowly moved slightly. When her eyes widened in shock, he breathed easier. The expression didn"t look like one of pain or anguish but more of curiosity. Still not the reaction he was looking for so he moved again, a little longer this time. There it was, he thought and moved again, her expression turning away from curiosity and he captured her gasp of pleasure in his mouth as he continued to move in her, raising her hips slightly and rocking her back and forth. It didn"t take long before she was moving on her own, her body taking over as her third climax built up. When her muscles contracted around him, he released his own body, allowing himself to find his climax, holding her close and it was more mind-blowing than he could have imagined.
As her breathing and heart rate slowed, Electra slowly opened her eyes and looked around, surprised to find that the world was still in normal colors. Surely after that kind of experience, the world had changed to neon or something just as electrifying and momentous. One by one, she unclenched her fingers, her arms falling to the bed beside her and tried to calm her breathing.
Maintaining her gaze at a point beyond his shoulder, she tried to act as if this were nothing more than usual for her. But he was not believing her. He rolled over, pulling her along with him so they were still intimately connected but she was now laying on top of him.
“Ellie, explain yourself,” he demanded in a tone that wouldn"t brook any argument.
But that tone wouldn"t work with her. Her rebellious nature reasserting itself. Instead of talking, she lifted herself up on her elbows and looked down at
Holly Webb
Forever Yours-1
Harmony Raines
Robert Schobernd
Diane Duane
Vivienne Savage
Keith C. Blackmore
Jason Goodwin
Arthur Miller
Willo Davis Roberts