The Silk Tree
bristled and before Nicander could stop him he leant forward. ‘Six tons o’ gold!’ he snarled. ‘Year by year! Enough to interest Your Greatness?’
    ‘Your friend has a … direct manner. Yet he knows how to pique my interest. You must tell me more about it. We shall leave names aside for now.’
    They were motioned to sit and cups were summoned for wine.
    ‘So. As I understand it, you have an idea, a scheme, which you are sanguine will engage the Emperor’s attention. It has, however, the fatal flaw that, by its nature, a degree of pelf is required to be laid out before it may be set in train. Is this correct?’
    ‘It is, sire.’
    ‘Do dispense with the court flummery, there’s a good fellow. I’ve been a common citizen these years past and have no hankering over its return.’
    He downed his wine, then sat back with a cynical smile and poured more. ‘I rather fancy that unless you’re frank with me in all particulars we shall not make much progress.’
    Nicander hesitated. If he gave away their precious secret, their only asset, and it was taken from them, it would be all over. On the other hand if they did not go forward they would have nothing.
    ‘I should tell you … all my idea?’
    This was met with a pitying half-smile.
    ‘Ah. Then this is what we propose. Should we succeed in our scheme as a result of your offices, then a due proportion of our increase we shall return to your good self.’
    ‘Yes, a fair and proper course, undoubtedly. Now, why are you not concerned that your scheme, once divulged, will be taken by myself for my profit alone?’
    He stuffed a honey cake into his mouth. ‘Then I’ll tell you. Since I cannot fund you myself I must yield to another. I have thereby surrendered any chance of return. If on the other hand I guide you to a successful conclusion there is a remote possibility I shall be remembered. This is not certain but assuredly better than nothing at all and my rational course therefore is to aid your venture. There is no risk attached to me, it being your necks that are at hazard, neither is there any question of my venturing any coin of mine upon it as I haven’t any, and thus I remain perfectly safe.’
    Raising his cup he finished the wine in one. ‘Gentlemen, for the sake of the entertainment it brings to my lonely existence, I shall assist you. Shall we begin with your names, you being so evidently in possession of my own?’
    ‘Ah, Nicodorus of Leptis Magna, merchant. This is Quintus Carus Marius, legionary, late of Rome.’ Nicander went on, ‘The silk trade in the Empire, sir. We’re aware at the first hand how this is cruelly hurting our sovereign lord in the outgoing of his treasure and revenues.’
    ‘Your six tons of gold a year, yes. I would have put it nearer eight.’
    ‘Our plan, sir, is to bring silk itself to Constantinople.’
    There was an irritated wave of a be-ringed hand. ‘That’s a nonsense, Mr Nicodorus. You’ll know the Persians would not countenance any interference in their comfortable relations with the producers!’
    ‘No, sir. We mean to mount an expedition to bring back the seeds of the silk tree and grow it in our own land! We will then be independent of imports and thumb our nose at the Persians, and who’s to say – may we not look to export to the world?’
    John the Cappadocian slowly sat back and looked at them, each in turn,his glance first speculative then covetous. ‘Might I be told how advanced you are in this … adventure?’
    ‘It were better we left details to after our consultation with you, sir.’
    ‘That’s not quite what I meant …’
    Nicander picked up on it immediately. ‘That is to say, we have no other interested party, none we have discussed the matter with.’
    ‘I see. Mmm … a novel and, I’m obliged to say, intriguing idea. Yet there are difficulties. Do you wish to hear them?’
    ‘The first is that if your intent is to farm silk and sell it on the open market, pray be

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