The Society of Orion: The Orion Codex

The Society of Orion: The Orion Codex by Gerald J . Kubicki, Kristopher Kubicki Page B

Book: The Society of Orion: The Orion Codex by Gerald J . Kubicki, Kristopher Kubicki Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gerald J . Kubicki, Kristopher Kubicki
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she was there for the Orion Codex. I think it would be the place to start.”
    “Then that’s what we will do first. What’s going on at the German compound?”

    Chapter Eighteen
    When Banyon rushed into the old library, he found the place in an uproar. His team was busily checking guns and ammunition in preparation for a gun fight. There was look of grim determination on their faces. Father Hector was not there. The other monks were gone as well. Father Bartholomew sat with his head down and sweating at a library table. He appeared exhausted. Banyon already knew the message he brought. The Germans were on their way and wanted to kill Banyon and his team. It was retaliation for the unsuccessful ambush.
    “The Germans are coming with ten armed men and they want to kill everyone in the compound, even the children,” Father Bartholomew exclaimed breathlessly. “We must evacuate before they get here. I don’t know what else to do,” he said and started to cry hysterically.
    “We can fight,” Banyon replied with force. “That’s what we will do.”
    “No need,” Father Hector announced as he entered the room looking confident and calm. “Mr. Banyon, may I speak to you privately in the hallway?”
    Once they were outside the room the padre spoke. “I think it is a good time to go after the Orion Codex,” he said. “The compound would be left unguarded or lightly guarded at best.”
    “But my team needs to protect you and the children,” Banyon roared.
    “I will make sure the Germans never get here,” the monk replied. He held out an oval object for Banyon to see. “This is the Orion weapon called Climate . I’ll use a tornado to overturn their vehicles far from here. Some of them may die, but it should stop them.”
    “What if it doesn’t?” Banyon wasn’t sure how the monk could control a tornado.
    “In that case, I’ll just have to zap them with a little lightning from the Zeus weapon. It’s a shame they are not coming by water though. Then I could use the Water-Wall weapon and drown them in a giant wave,” he said as casually as if he was picking out vegetables for a soup.
    “And you always have the Covers weapon if you need it,” Banyon added.
    “I’ve done this before,” the monk said. “We will be safe.”
    “Hmm,” Banyon said as he considered the monks plan. “And we can go to the compound and collect the codex. Sounds good to me, but I’m going to leave some of my people here, just in case.”
    “Here take this,” the monk said and handed Banyon a ring. But it was not a normal ring, it was huge.
    “What does it do?”
    “This weapon is called Shield . Whoever is wearing it need only to spin it one hundred and eighty degrees. A clear force field will immediately envelop the wearer. Nothing can penetrate the force field and they can simply walk away.”
    “That’s incredible,” Banyon responded. “But it is too big to fit on any of our fingers.”
    “You have several women who could wear it as a bracelet,” the monk replied. “We have used it before.”
    “You are an interesting man,” Banyon muttered.
    “Now hurry,” the monk ordered.
    “I’ll leave the Coles, Steve and Mandy here,” Banyon told the monk.
    “I’m heading to the belfry for a better view. It will be dawn soon,” the monk replied as he hurried down the hallway.

    Chapter Nineteen
    “How long before we reach the Salesian mission?” Carl Walther demanded. He sat next to the driver of the pickup truck containing five of his men. A second truck followed with the rest of his troops.
    “Just over the ridge,” his man replied. “We’ll be in the open meadow, but only a one minute away from the front door, especially at this speed.”
    “Good,” Carl replied evilly. “I want to surprise them.” He went back to cleaning his weapon.
    As they passed over the ridge, the driver shouted. “Look at those angry looking clouds over the mission. They look very menacing.”

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