to my Book of Remembrance, I have appointed this time upon Earth for the implementation of another firstborn . Through him, I will establish a new covenant that will be the downfall of the Adversary. Therefore, using the second son of Noah, I will initiate my plan.”
El Elyon turned and spoke through the dimension of time-space to Noah, “Come out of the ark Noah, and go forth; take with you all the animals. You and your family go forth and increase. Repopulate the Earth and be fruitful.”
Grateful he and his family had survived the flood , Noah built an altar on the mountain where the ark came to rest. The Malakhim immediately descended from the heavens and took their place beside Noah’s altar. After filling their censors with Noah’s praise and mixing the praise with the smoke of burnt offerings, they returned to the Shamayim and placed the incense upon the Golden Altar of the Most High God.
Pleased, El Elyon not only received the beautiful fragrance of Noah’s offering, he entered into a covenant with the Earth’s Melek. “As long as Earth endures there will be seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night. These things will never cease. Noah, I accept this offering on behalf of you, your sons and all future generations of Earth born beings.
“From this time forth, you wil l notice the animals and birds will not respond to men as they have in the past for I am placing a fear in them toward all men. This is for their protection, to keep them from the abuse they experienced before the flood. As they repopulate in the Earth you may hunt and fish as needed for food, but don’t kill needlessly. I give you the produce of the land as well. I give to you everything that you need.
“The only thing you must not do is eat meat with the life still in it. You must not be as the giants who terrorized my creation before the flood. Ha-N’piliym and their fathers ate while life still existed in their prey. This is not right . I abhor this practice and will not tolerate it!
“The instructions for life are found in the blood and I demand a record of all life . Therefore, an account of all blood will be made. You shall especially be accountable to me for all blood spilled in innocence. I created a sound, which I alone can hear, in blood and it calls to me!
“The ground is cursed because of Adam’s willful disobedience . Do not add additional curses. Remember I created man in my image. My likeness is upon the face of all humanity. You shall respect my image and if you violate one another, you violate me.
“Noah, to you and your offspring I establish a covenant . Never again will floodwaters cover all of Earth. As a sign of this covenant, I place an arc, a rainbow within the sky. Every time you see the rainbow remember, never again will a judgment be issued to cover the entirety of Earth by water. This arc represents my government and its essence is from my throne. The rainbow you see represents the light and colors of my authority and within it, the sound of shalom that I establish with you and your sons.”
Time intersected with light under this newly decreed covenant . A new era was upon Earth. The judges recorded this advent as they witnessed light refracting inside the atmosphere of Earth and creating the rainbow that would henceforth symbolize an arc of safety by joining the past to an everlasting future.
I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. Revelation 6:1-2
And the garments of skin, which God made for Adam and his wife, when they went out of the garden, were given to Cush. For after the death of Adam and his wife, the garments were given to Enoch, the son of Jared, and when Enoch was taken up to God, he gave them to Methuselah, his
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