The Spellcoats

The Spellcoats by Diana Wynne Jones Page A

Book: The Spellcoats by Diana Wynne Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Wynne Jones
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the rainbow. But the rain cloud hung above us. “Just like our bad luck does,” Duck said gloomily.
    That point of land was a long way off. By the time we reached it, night was coming on and we decided to tie up there. Gull protested, but we were getting used to that.
    â€œI’m sorry, Gull,” Robin said. “We have to stop for the night.” From Robin, that is steely firmness.
    Gull would not get out of the boat. We all pulled and pushed at him, but he would not move. In the end we had to pole the boat round the point, where it was sheltered from the wind, and pull it up out of the water with Gull still in it. We did that because we did not trust him not to sail away while we were getting supper. In that place the land fell back and a marshy stream came down to meet the lake. The lake had come up to meet the stream a long way. Nowhere was dry. Rushes of all sorts grew there, and the flag irises were green already, with brown water round their roots. The evening filled with the scent of tall tanaqui and the smell of damp smoke. Robin could not get the fire to go.
    â€œLook,” said Duck, pointing down to where the reeds grew away under the water. A heron was standing there, with its head bent, looking for fish. “Look, a big brother, with long legs like sticks.” Trust Duck to remember Hern’s insult.
    Hern roared with rage and dived at Duck.
    Duck fled down among the tall rushes, hugging the Lady. “And a long nose!” he screamed back. Hern went galloping and squelching and roaring after him.
    â€œOh, go and stop them, Tanaqui!” Robin said. She was crouching over the fire, blowing it.
    I went down among the rushes after my brothers, grumbling. I think it was too bad of them still. I could see where Hern had gone, from the path of trodden rushes and deep footprints filling with oily water, but even though it was getting dark, I was fairly sure that Duck had doubled back and was lying low uphill somewhere. When I came to the lake, all the light was in the water, and Hern was an angry shadow against it, with his head bent, glaring for Duck along the sopping shore. We were facing the pine trees on the point there, looking across the bay of muddy water from the stream and the lake.
    Hern looked so like a heron, standing there, that I nearly laughed as I said, “Duck didn’t come this way.”
    Hern turned round, saw I was laughing, and raised his hand to hit me. I turned to run away.
    Then we neither of us moved because our mother’s voice said, “Hern! Tanaqui!”
    We both turned the same way, to look out across the gloomy inlet. From that I know Hern heard it as well as I did. And I know I saw a shape standing there, in the mist above the water, whatever Hern says. I saw the dark body with a blur of whiter hair and a smudge of white face. The same voice said, “Stop fighting and look after Gull. You mustn’t let him go to the sea, whatever you do. Take him down to the watersmeet.”
    â€œTake him where?” I said. “Mother, what’s wrong with Gull?” I heard Hern laughing while I said it. “What’s so funny?” I said.
    â€œYou standing there talking to trees and stones and half the boat,” Hern said. “Take a look.”
    As he spoke, I saw it was true. The stern of the boat came out of the reeds a short way, with water showing beneath, and that was the lower half of the dark shape. The upper half was the trunk of a pine tree that seemed exactly above it. And above that I saw dimly that a bush was budding around a light-colored rock, high up on the point, making the hair and the face. “But there was a voice,” I said. “You heard the voice.”
    â€œThe heron,” said Hern. There was indeed a bird crying out. The cries grew fainter as I listened, and I heard wingbeats. “We’re all tired out,” said Hern. “That’s what did it. I just hope Gull lets us get a proper

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