The Stolen Girl

The Stolen Girl by Samantha Westlake Page B

Book: The Stolen Girl by Samantha Westlake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Westlake
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she was panting out, sucking in sharp breaths. I tried to keep my eyes averted.
    As we started to climb the carpeted stairs, we had to step around one couple, the man seated on the stairs and bouncing a skinny, naked young brunette on his lap. His hands were on her ass, lifting her up and down, while the girl tilted her head back and let her hair cascade down over the man’s face and chest. But as we approached them, I realized that I knew that man. It was Chainz, the biker that had been part of my forced escort!
    Chainz glanced up at us as we passed, and I could see that he immediately recognized me as well. His mouth spread into a toothy grin. “Well, look who’s seeing her first adult party!” he exclaimed. “Having fun yet?”
    One of the man’s hands removed itself from the girl’s ass and reached out, sliding up the naked skin on my leg. I shuddered at his touch and shook him off. I nearly lashed out and slammed my foot into his face, every fiber fighting back against the irrational but oh-so-satisfying temptation to shatter that obnoxious smile. My rejection and revulsion seemed to only provide more encouragement to him, however, as his grin widened.
    “Oh, I see,” Chainz said, his eyes flicking between me and Roads. “You’ve found a partner already! Well, you better be careful with her, Roads - don’t break her in half just yet; we still need her in one piece!”
    “Watch it, Chainz,” Roads growled.
    “Oh, relax,” the man replied, turning back to the girl still impaling herself on his lap. “I know that you’re too hung up on your damn honor to pull anything. But just because you’re too high and mighty, doesn’t mean that the rest of us have to be! Maybe once I’m done with this bitch here, I’ll take a stroll upstairs and see if I can help our captive here unwind and kick loose a little!”
    Roads opened his mouth again, but this time, I was faster and ready with a retort. “I suppose that, if I was going to start doing things like this, I should start with the smallest guy first,” I snapped. “So you’d be the natural choice!”
    For a moment, the man on the stairs narrowed his eyes into a glare at me, and I was afraid that he was going to chuck his current fuck partner off and come after me physically. But behind me, Roads let out a chuckle of laughter at my comment, and the other biker’s face finally softened.
    “Not bad, you little shit,” he said, but there wasn’t any real malice behind the swear. “Roads, maybe she will be good for you. She’s got that same stick up her ass that you seem to always be carrying around.”
    I was expecting the big biker behind me to also fire back, but he just shook his head, and his hand on my shoulder urged me upward and past Chainz. After we had climbed past him, I glanced back. He had returned to fucking the girl on his lap, his hands on her hips slamming her down with an audible smack each time she landed. His head was turned, however, and he caught me looking back at him. He shot me a wink, so explicit that I had to turn forward again so he wouldn’t see the heat rising up in my cheeks.
    At the top of the stairs, a long hallway led off in both directions, with several doors on each side. “This place is our gang’s main retreat,” Roads explained as we reached the top of the steps. “Most of us have our own bedrooms here, where we can keep valuables and such safe so that they don’t get lost or damaged in parties.”
    “Hey! Are you calling me a valuable?” I joked at him. I wasn’t sure whether to be dejected that he thought of me as property, or happy that he thought I had value!
    Roads blinked at me, not sure how to respond. “Look, I just want to make sure that you’re safe and you stay out of the way of some of the people at this party,” he went on after a minute. “They can be rather rough, and they have a tendency to, er, pull people in. Even if those people don’t especially want to join in.”
    I had a suspicion

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