The Strange Healing

The Strange Healing by Misty Malone Page A

Book: The Strange Healing by Misty Malone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Misty Malone
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had a recurring nightmare, where two men were chasing her down an alleyway that was lined with older women scowling at her, but refusing to help.
    Knowing it was no use to even try to go back to sleep after that, she got up and dressed.  She was shaking badly as she pondered what to do.  She considered calling Heath, but she didn't want to wake him up just because she had a bad dream.  He needed sleep so he could work.  Besides, she had to find some way of coping with these problems.  Looking around her motel room, everything she looked at reminded her of the nightmare she'd just had, and she had this sudden urgency to get away from it.
    She didn't know where to go, but knew she had to get out of that motel room, so she grabbed her purse and her phone and fled.  Outside she saw signs that pointed to the beach, and considered a walk there.  But just that quickly she had a flashback of the other day, and two men trying to kidnap her.  No, she wouldn't be going to the beach alone again for a while.  Instead, she turned toward town and just started walking.  It was still early and not many people were stirring yet, but it didn't matter.  She just roamed aimlessly, trying to find a quiet place where she felt safe so she could simply sit and think.  She had to make some kind of decision today.
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Heath carried his breakfast from the stove to his table to eat, and checked his watch.  It was 7:15.  He wanted to call and check on Sara, but was afraid he'd wake her.  He was worried about her, plain and simple.  He'd been concerned when he dropped her off last night, and woke up twice during the night thinking about her.  He was now positive there was something she was keeping from him, and it worried him.  He was pretty sure it had something to do with the two men he and Phil chased away at the beach, but that's all he knew.  As a psychiatrist he knew it was important to get her to share her thoughts and fears, but he also knew he couldn't make her talk.
    At 7:45 he couldn't wait any longer, and called Sara.  It rang and rang, until it finally went to voice mail.  Hoping she was in the shower and couldn't hear it, he left a quick message, wishing her a good morning, and asking her to call him.
    By eleven o'clock he'd called and left four messages, and was worried enough to call Heather.  “Have you by any chance heard from Sara today?”
    “ No.  Why?  Should I have?”
    “ No, not necessarily.  I just wondered.”
    “ No, but I know you wouldn't have called me at work unless there was a real good reason.  What's wrong, Heath?  What's going on?”
    Heath quickly explained, “Nothing specific.  I'm just concerned.  I know something's troubling her, but she hasn't shared it yet, and she's not answering her phone.  I told her last night that I'd call her this morning, but I haven't been able to get ahold of her.  I was hoping maybe you'd spoken with her.”
    Now Heather was concerned, as well.  “No, I haven't heard from her, but why don't you call Phil?”  I've got to go in a minute or two here, but Phil's on patrol today.  He could keep an eye out for her.”
    “ Thanks for the suggestion, Heather.”  Heath hung up, and called Phil.  He quickly explained the situation, and asked Phil to let him know if he happened to see her anywhere.
    As the day went on, Heath became more and more concerned.  Sara still wasn't answering her phone, and Phil called to let him know she didn't appear to be in her motel room, but her car was in the parking lot.  That meant she must have walked somewhere. 
    His last patient left at 3:30, and Heath left shortly thereafter.  His first stop was Sara's motel.  Her car was still there, but there was no answer at her room.  He talked to the manager, explaining that he was concerned that she hadn't answered her phone, and the manager agreed to check to be sure she wasn't in her room hurt.  Everything looked fine, but Sara obviously wasn't there.  Heath

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