The Taming (Wild Cats Part Two): Erotic Romance Series

The Taming (Wild Cats Part Two): Erotic Romance Series by Sandra Ross Page A

Book: The Taming (Wild Cats Part Two): Erotic Romance Series by Sandra Ross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Ross
Tags: Fiction
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absolutely safe.
    Iliana still didn’t know exactly how big Nickolas' estate was. Even at their horse rides in the forest around the Castle, she hadn’t seen the big wall that surrounded it.
    During this wonderful month, they had only one fight, but a big one. It happened on a night after the staff had retired at their quarters, near the tennis field about 200 meters from the Castle. Nickolas decided to show her another one of the 5 bedrooms. It was beside his own connected with it by an internal door. It was a little smaller, clearly a woman’s bedroom, due to the pink color on the walls and the furniture. 
    It had a bathroom of its own and a big room-closet, just like Nickolas’ bedroom. 
    The reason of their fight was the content of this closet. 

Chapter Two
    IT WAS full of women’s clothing and accessories. 
    Everything a woman could need in a wardrobe. They were all expensive brands and all her size.
    She looked at the beautiful things and started to feel very small and very insignificant. 
    “Tell me this is another woman’s wardrobe, an old girlfriend’s for example. Even that would be more preferable than to think that you bought all these clothes for me.”
    “Would it be so bad to give you a present? I’ve got all this money…”
    “A present? This is not a present. A present is a scarf, or a flower. This is a whole department store. This isn’t a present. What’s wrong with all my clothes?”
    It was a trick-question, Nickolas knew it. Whatever answer he gave, he’d lose. But he was getting really annoyed of her damn pride and independence. He had already been extra patient when he had offered her a loan so that she could move out from that dreadful apartment of hers to one in a safer district and she had just barked at him a no and wouldn’t even discuss it further.
    “Your clothing is just fine for the places you go on your own. But when you go out with me, you have to look like a lady, not only be one. For god’s sake, is it so wrong that I wish to see you dressed as you deserve and not with dull, wide rags which don’t flatter you at all?”
    His outburst was followed by an unpleasant silence. Her lips were shut tight, turning white and her eyes were throwing ice when she spoke back.
    “Since I am not the kind of lady that you obviously wanted, showing it or not is none of my concern. You met me this way and we were able to move on from that meeting with me as I was. What’s next, a luxurious flat at a penthouse in the center of the city? They have a word for women like that where I come from and if I use it you won’t like it a bit. I am who I am and if you now realize it’s not what you want, let’s just end it. So, before I tell you exactly what to do with your lady-like wardrobe, I would like to go home. Now!”
    She kicked the closet’s door shut, crossed the room almost running, opened the door forcefully and slammed it behind her while hearing him cursing as he followed her. 
    She rushed down the stairs and walked to the central door of the house. She never made it to the handle. He got to it first, blocking her exit with his body. He was furious and breathing heavily just like she was. They were now standing face-to-face looking at each other. 
    His eyes were green flames; hers were icy cold. 
    “You will not run away like a freaking lousy wild cat every time we fight. We will sit and discuss it and solve it like reasonable human beings!” he shouted furiously.
    Then, despite her kicking and scratching, he took her in his arms and walked towards the stairs again.
    Several hours, many quarrels and lots of love-making later, they compromised. 
    She would use the wardrobe inside the Castle or whenever they went out together. She would choose the clothes. He insisted on choosing the shoes and the underwear…
    They were together for almost two months when he suddenly changed. 
    Just like that, one afternoon he came to pick her up and he was dark, unreachable. A

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