The Telegraph Book of Readers' Letters from the Great War

The Telegraph Book of Readers' Letters from the Great War by Gavin Fuller Page B

Book: The Telegraph Book of Readers' Letters from the Great War by Gavin Fuller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gavin Fuller
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military age who has no one dependent on his earnings and who fails in the present emergency to recognise his very obvious duty to his country. If these shirkers have to be forced into the Army by compulsory measures they can never be on any equality with the true men who volunteer. The humiliation of their position will last all their lives, and the realisation of it will become more acute as they get older. War with all its misery has some compensations, not the least of which is that we get near the true perspective of things.
    Yours, &c.,
    An Old Soldier

    1 December 1914
    SIR – You gave prominence in your issue on Saturday to a paragraph stating that Mr Keir Hardie declares, ‘I have never said or written anything to dissuade our young men from enlisting. I know too well all there is at stake.’ I am glad to find that he has at last felt compelled to offer some explanation to his constituents and to organisations that he influences.
    He neglected the many opportunities he had to explain before the House of Commons, the fairest jury in the world, why he wrote the wicked paragraphs I read to the House.
    If he is sincere in the declaration reproduced in your paper, I invite him to withdraw the disloyal advice he gave to the Labour organisations. I take it from his present declaration, which I welcome, that he authorises me here and now through this letter to convey in his behalf the information to the same organisations that he misled them, and that he wishes them to use their influence to get men to fill in the form, stating that they are ‘willing’ to serve when wanted, because he realises ‘too well all there is at stake’. I am sincerely desirous of stopping the bad effect of his writings, and of getting his influence with that of the loyal Labour leaders on the side of his own nation.
    Will he also use his influence to discourage and condemn the silent underground, but steady and deadly intimidation of loyal leaders of workmen in many localities, which is preventing them from taking the open and enthusiastic part in recruiting meetings and effects which they are personally anxious to do?
    I am, yours, &c.,
    Edgar R. Jones
    House of Commons

    SIR – Will you allow me to bring to the notice of your Jewish readers the proposal for the formation of a Jewish Battalion?
    From personal inquiries made and information given to me there is good reason to believe that the formation of a Jewish unit for active service would meet the wishes of a considerable number of Jews who are not willing, at all events not eager, to enlist under other conditions. Such a corps might also be able to enrol Jews who are still subjects of Britain’s Allies.
    The formation of this unit must in no wise be regarded a movement against the enlistment of Jews in other regiments. But the War Office has already recognised that many persons prefer to serve with ‘their pals’; to those Jews who feel this rather keenly the Jewish unit will be an additional recruiting measure.
    Everything that will give this country more men without extra trouble must surely be welcome to most Jews in this country who, like myself, have just now one chief aim – to give all possible help to England. At such a moment we Jews can at least follow the lead of the politicians – sink all our differences and unite in this common purpose.
    If, as I have every reason to expect, there is sufficient response, a private meeting will be called on an evening at an early date, so that immediate steps may be taken towards activerecruiting by means of public meetings in the Jewish centres of population, and by such other means as may be desirable.
    Let me repeat, this is not a movement of opposition towards other Jewish ideals or other Jews; it is a practical step to get soldiers who would not be obtainable by other means, and good soldiers too, as I know.
    Will those interested communicate with me

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