The Tiger's Mail Order Mate (Paranormal Shifter Romance)
Sonja asked.
    “Sure looks like it.” Russell replied. “We have barely enough gas to get us to Kauai, after that we abandon it and hope for the best.”
    “Yeah let’s hope that ship isn’t going to the Big Island.” Sonja said. “That would suck.”
    “That it would. We’ll be lucky to talk to the captain and get a ‘no questions asked’ job on there. That’s if you don’t mind cleaning up after people.”
    “Not my cup of tea, but I’ve done worse while under cover.” She replied. “Anyway, let’s get going.”
    “You’re not going anywhere, you two.” A Romanian male voice announced in the darkness.
    Sonja and Russell both drew the 9mm pistols that were holstered at their waists. “Who is that?” Russell called out.
    “Sonja knows me.” He said stepping out of the shadows and into the pale moonlight. “Don’t you, dear?”
    “Nicolai!” she exclaimed, relieved. “Why are you even here?”
    “Well,” the greasy Romanian began to explain, “I was made an offer I couldn’t really refuse.” He said sadly as he pulled out a handgun of his own. “The KGB took my wife and children into custody after I helped you escape. They told me they would torture and kill them unless I brought you back, alive.” He said, his voice trembling as he stood in the cool night air. “They told me, if I brought you back, my family would live, and I would get a cool million dollars and a house by the Caspian Sea.”
    “You traitor!” Sonja spat.
    “Your government gave me the green light to fly with you at least, back to Russia. They told me it was okay to kill the man. He is too dangerous now, that’s all they told me.” Nicolai explained.
    Russell felt the rage building deep inside him. He was not going to die; he was not going back to his cage. He was finished with the US Navy and the rest of his country’s government, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to stand by and watch Sonja get taken back to Russia just to be tortured and executed, or worse, reprogrammed. He decided it was time to unleash the animal.
    He screamed a feral scream as his muscles and bones shifted within his body. He dropped to all fours and started growling as his body hair grew longer and his clothes ripped off of his growing bulk. His face changed into a feline shape and his ears moved up on his head.
    Nicolai and Sonja both stood there, awestruck. Sonja was the first to get her wits about her and dove for cover as Russell, in his tiger form pounced on the terrified Nicolai.
    A roar escaped Russell’s muzzle before he tore into the soft greasy neck of the human he had marked as prey. The salty tang of blood filled his mouth as he nearly decapitated Nicolai with one bite, swiftly ending his life. Russell then shredded the Romanian’s clothes off and began to gorge himself on the man who had betrayed his mate and wanted to harm her.
    Sonja discreetly vomited in the bush in which she was hiding from the combination of the grizzly spectacle and the utter shock and disappointment that Nicolai had betrayed her. She remained concealed for a little while longer to make sure Russell was finished his horrific feast.
    After about twenty minutes, she peeked out of the hibiscus bush and saw a bunch of scattered bones and Russell cleaning his orange and black fur with his raspy tongue. She had a little bit of an idea on how to get him back to his human form, but it would be tricky.
    Usually, Splicer handlers had a remote control to give them their adrenal suppressants, which she didn’t have. She needed to walk up behind him and deliver the dose manually without getting mauled herself.
    She slowly approached the massive animal with her hands extended in a non-threatening manner. “Shh, Russell, it’s me, Sonja, you don’t have to worry about me hurting you. I just want to help. We need to get off of this island.” She cooed at the large cat.
    Russell snarled at her and lunged, swiping the air in front of her as her super reflexes took

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