The Timekeeper

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Book: The Timekeeper by Jordana Barber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordana Barber
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walk out of the room, knowing he would follow.
    “How about Chinese, I don’t feel like cooking tonight. I think I’m into take-out and watching a movie.” I turned around to look at him when I got to the bottom of the stairs. His stern features were lovely in the fading light of the day.
    Something else was bothering him, but he’d been avoiding it and I had too much on my plate to deal with his drama. If this went on much longer, and he didn’t take care of the situation, then I’d be forced to corner him, until then I was going to pretend I was clueless .
    “Take-out and a movie, sounds like a plan to me. Don’t keep me up too late though, I’ve got to work tomorrow.” He pulled his cell phone out and started to dial.
    “Of course I won’t. I don’t want you to miss out on your beauty sleep.” I stuck my tongue out at him, and he placed our order.

Chapter Three
    “ Hi Mom, how are you?” I said as I walked into our store, Dope on a Rope Soap Company. The goofy family business started as a hobby. My mother and I became the co-owners of one of the busiest little soap shops in the country.
    “Good, I’m glad you’re here honey. I need to run to the bank and I’ve got a doctor’s appointment in a half an hour. My damn knee’s been giving me problems again.” I smiled and gave her a quick hug.
    “But you had surgery six months ago, why can’t they ever seem to fix the problem? Oh, the marvels of modern medicine.” She sighed and pushed her auburn and graying bangs out of her face.
    “My sentiments exactly. They correct one issue, and then something else happens, they repair the second malfunction, and the first thing they fixed goes to shit again. I seriously question whether they have a clue as to what they’re doing.” I shook my head. I hadn’t been impressed with her doctors.
    “Well , you better get moving or you’re going to be late. I’ll be fine, Echo will be here in a little while.” She nodded and hobbled out the door as quickly as possible .
    I loved my mortal mother. The one good thing about being reincarnated repeatedly, I got to sample the many variations of parenting I didn’t have the opportunity to experience in my real childhood. Few made worthy parents, some had been nightmares but all styles were different .
    My Djinn mother crowned a fearless Assassin, the head of the Order and an excellent leader, but she hadn’t been a typical parent. She loved me, something I wouldn’t question, but her love didn’t often show.
    Queen Cassandra Carnadine was a hard woman, as she should be, that did nothing for a young girl looking for her mother’s love and approval. Her support had been the only reason I became an Assassin in the first place. My plan worked briefly.
    Master Carnadine had always been harder on me in training. I constantly out did the other girls and nothing made a difference. The strain on myself paid off eventually, I am one of the best Assassins in the world. The look of pride on her face when I received my mark and became officially initiated into the Order made everything worthwhile.
    My mom in this incarnation was wonderful. Always supportive, protective and stern when the situation required. The world would be losing a truly astonishing woman when she passed. Her death was something I didn’t want to think about .
    She’d been getting older, her joints were starting to go south, and this was the beginning of the end for her . I always hoped we would die at the same time, that way neither of us would have to suffer the loss.
    I walked to the back of the store to check the new bars on the drying racks. I started to flip them one by one, making sure all of them had started setting up properly. Talk about a long, tedious process, but it had to be done or the entire batch wouldn’t cure correctly. After batching and molding, the soap had to dry for a month or so.
    Each rack held clipboards dated with the start and finish dates. The soap required

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