The Trials (The Elite Series)

The Trials (The Elite Series) by Jonathan Yanez Page A

Book: The Trials (The Elite Series) by Jonathan Yanez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jonathan Yanez
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by more trees and a small cliff to his left. He could still hear his pursuer behind him. The dragon snorted his rage and roared as he crashed through the forest behind him, obliterating trees and turning the vegetation into mulch under its strong legs.
    Chest heaving , Connor zigzagged through the forest, zoning out everything now and letting his mind be consumed by only one thought, the thought of escape.
    Just like Miyanda had counseled , after a mile or two the dragon seemed to tire. The sound of pursuit behind him grew fainter and fainter until it was almost non-existent. Lungs crying for air, Connor decide to stop. Picking a resting spot behind a large dark brown tree, he took this opportunity to examine the axe.
    The two-handed axe he held was surprisingly light for its size. One side of its grey head was large with a sharp blade, the other side boasted a long point, like the pickaxe he had used to kill his first Elite, what seemed a lifetime ago.
    Could the Catskill incident really have happened just a week ago? It didn’t seem possible. The past days’ events came at Connor like a flood, drowning him in memories.
    Connor shook his head and made himself focus on the task at hand. There would be time to reminisce about the last few days’ events later, now he had a dragon to catch.
    It was time for phase two of his insane plan. A plan so crazy Connor thought it just might work. Connor steeled himself and forced his legs to walk back in the direction of the dragon and the small cliff. Every muscle and fiber in his body was protesting, urging him to turn and run in the opposite direction. Connor wasn’t sure if he was sweating due to his sprint, the sun over head, or his own nervousness. Regardless, the perspiration trickled down his strong neck and onto his muscular back.
    Step by step , Connor closed the distance between himself and the creature. Loud shallow breaths could soon be heard—the dragon was close, and tired. Peering through the trees, Connor could make out the cliff. If this was going to work, his timing would have to be perfect and fate would have to be in his favor.
    The breathing became louder and louder until Connor could see the dark scaled skin of his prey glistening with sweat. The large reptile’s body heaved in and out, catching its breath from the run.
    If I am the Judge, if I was destined to save my people , then this has to work, it has to. With a silent prayer that all of Lu’s and Zuna’s talk about fate was true, Connor let the intensity wrap and consume him again. His vision red, fangs protruding, his chest heaved with excitement and power. Axe in hand, Connor sprinted the last few yards to the lone dragon, and with the broad flat side of his axe, hit the giant behind its left front leg near the knee joint with as much power as he could muster. The blow made a large SLAP sound and sent reverberations down Connor’s hands and arms.
    The dragon , still shocked, howled with pain and anger. Narrowing its reptilian eyes, it charged at Connor, who was now making his way to the bottom of the cliff. Connor had seen the cliff from a distance as he traveled to the dragon’s nesting spot with Miyanda and had gotten a closer, although much briefer look, at it as he ran away from the dragon.
    The cliff was a nearly straight wall of hard-packed earth and solid rock. From top to bottom, the cliff rose forty feet from the ground. Approaching the pile, Connor knew he had one chance, one go at this before the dragon would catch him. Bringing the axe in a wide swing pointed end first, Connor struck the hard rock surface with so much force his arms tingled again. The axe bounced off the rock face, leaving a deep gash in its surface, but no more.
    Frantically , Connor swung the weapon over and over again, hoping to dislodge even a few rocks, weakening the base enough for the side of the cliff and the large boulders that rested on top to avalanche down, but it wasn’t happening. Turning to find the

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