The Trophy Taker

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Book: The Trophy Taker by Lee Weeks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Weeks
Tags: Fiction, General, Mystery & Detective
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    ‘I have heard that you provide certain services for men who like something special .’
    Lucy’s face was a picture of surprise but her eyes betrayed her. Mann could see that she was as sharp and as calculating as they come – but most of all she was a survivor. She had seen right into the depths of men’s souls. It may not have been a pretty sight, but boy was it lucrative.
    ‘I mean that you cater to certain tastes. Men who like to feel pain, feel it and inflict it.’
    Lucy held his gaze, kept the smile, and inclined her head in a small movement.
    ‘Tell me, Lucy, have you had any problems with a particular client? Anybody go too far? Anyone scare you? Hurt you more than you wanted or were paid for?’
    Lucy kept the smile, lowered her eyes and shook her head slowly.
    ‘No, I don’t think so. It’s just fun – you know?’
    She looked up from beneath her lashes with a hint of a proposition, as if maybe he did know and it was always worth her while testing the water.
    Mann had the distinct impression she was imagining him with a whip in his hand and his pants around his ankles.
    ‘What about the foreign girls here? Are you friendly with them?’
    ‘ Quite friendly. I rent some of them a room in my apartment, Inspector,’ she said, moving to sit slightly to one side; her best side.
    ‘Your apartment?’
    ‘Yes, I live with my sister in Wanchai. We have a spare room which we let to foreign girls from the club. They pay more.’
    ‘Any of the foreign girls talk to you about a bad experience they might have had?’
    Lucy thought for a few seconds and then swung her head slowly from side to side while keeping her eyes pinned on Mann – still holding that sweet, simpering smile, which was beginning to grate on him.
    ‘Any of the foreign girls gone missing that you know of?’
    She gave an exasperated shrug. ‘They’re always dis appearing, just leaving all their things and moving on,’ she said. ‘An American girl, Roxanne, all her belongings are at my flat at the moment. Such a nuisance.’
    ‘Is it unusual for girls just to leave all their stuff and disappear?’
    Lucy rolled her eyes. ‘She’s not the first. Guess it’s just the way they are … Gweilos , they come and go. Do whatever they like, whenever they like. It’s just the way they are.’
    Mann let his eyes fasten hard on Lucy for a few seconds longer than she was comfortable with. He could tell she was curious about him. He had no problem with being mixed race, but others did. They didn’t know whether to speak to him in English or Cantonese.
    Mann liked feeding their insecurities. He belonged wherever he wanted to belong. Everywhere and nowhere. If Lucy was seriously trying to flirt with him she was wasting her time and his.
    ‘Can you give me a description of Roxanne?’ He poised, pen in hand.
    Lucy’s attitude changed. She knew she wasn’t going to get anywhere with him. She had to accept defeat, at least for now. She covered up her leg, and shifted uncomfortably in her seat as if she were going numb from sitting so long.
    ‘Curly blonde hair, bit fat, nice hands – liked to do her nails, manicures, you know?’ She twirled her bright red nails in the air as she spoke and glanced towards the door.
    ‘You say there have been other girls?’ He looked up from his notes.
    ‘Five or six maybe, over the years.’ She straightened her dress in preparation for the off.
    ‘You have no idea where they went?’
    She shook her head.
    ‘I will need you to give me details about these girls, physical descriptions, that kind of thing.’
    ‘Of course, Inspector.’ Lucy nodded sweetly, batting her eyelashes, but her smile had changed. ‘Always happy to help the police. If that is all …’ She slid off the chair, bowed, and left.
    After she had gone, Mann was left with the distinct impression that Lucy was as mercenary as they came – a good Hong Kong girl if ever he met one. But, he couldn’t blame her. In fact, he even kind of

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