The Undead Hordes of Kan-Gul
them shelter and security.
    He blinked. “I’m afraid I’m not sure what you mean.”
    Jysal frowned. “I see Kancho isn’t the only one keeping secrets on this trip.”
    “Secrets keep you alive,” said Ran. “If you’re too exposed, then your enemy will know the means by which your death can be brought about.”
    “Spoken like a keen strategist,” said Jysal. “Which, of course, doesn’t even come close to answering my question.”
    “Exactly,” said Ran. “And I have a better idea, anyway. Why don’t we concentrate on finding our friends, and then later on you can worry about who I am?”
    Jysal seemed about to protest that idea, but then stopped when she looked in Ran’s eyes. “You and Kancho explored yesterday. Are we heading back that way?”
    Ran frowned. “It’s a muddy swamp, and then the ground climbs up into a dense forest. Can you handle wading through muck for a while?”
    “Of course, I can.”
    “Mosquitoes, too,” said Ran. “They’re thick under that canopy. I’m afraid there’s not much I can suggest unless you want to coat your skin with mud.”
    “Do you think that would make me look better?” Jysal smiled at him.
    “It would be a shame to cover up your beauty,” said Ran. “But if you would be more comfortable that way, I would certainly understand.”
    Jysal laughed. “Thank you for the compliment, I think.”
    Ran bowed his head. “We can take the path Kancho and I started yesterday. Stay close while we’re in there. We didn’t go too far before the trail went blank and we were forced to turn around and come back.”
    “We’re not turning around this time, though, are we?”
    Ran glanced at the waves battering the wreck of the Aqaria . Their choices were limited. Stay here and wait for the mist tonight, swim out to the Aqaria and risk death, or venture into the swamp and forests trying to find their way to Kan-Gul’s lair. Ran thought about the words from one of his teachers. Whenever the options facing you are equally bad, any choice will be the best, provided you are not immobilized by indecision.
    So be it , he thought. “We’ll head through the swamp and the forest. Kan-Gul must make his home somewhere within a short distance of the coast. Something tells me he will need to have supplies brought in from time to time. And any traders will need to pass through the harbor that Malkyr had been aiming for after that storm blew us off course. We’ll go as far as we can before making camp for the night.”
    From inside her tunic, Jysal produced a slim dagger. She hefted it in one hand and then slid it through the belt of her tunic. “I’m armed, just to let you know.”
    Ran nodded. “Where did you hide that?”
    Jysal smiled. “That’s one of my secrets.”
    “Fair enough. Let’s go.” Ran led her into the trees at the edge of the beach. They walked a few hundred yards, and then the land sloped down into the mud and grime of the swamp. Behind him, Ran heard Jysal take a breath and mutter something. “Are you all right?”
    “This smell,” she said, wrinkling her nose. “What in the world makes such a stink?”
    “Decomposition,” said Ran. “With all of this water, the roots and plants tend to decompose and give off swamp stink. You’ll get used to it if you try not to let it bother you.”
    “I feel like I can’t take a breath without vomiting,” said Jysal.
    “I know the feeling,” said Ran. “Now come on. The sooner we’re through this part, the better.”
    They walked another twenty minutes through the knee-and thigh-deep stagnant water. Twice Ran heard the hissing of a snake in the nearby area, but they were not accosted as they plowed on. Each step Ran took seemed to suck at his legs, and given the lack of food they’d had, he was worried about becoming too exhausted to be much good in case they ran into danger.
    For her part, Jysal seemed to not complain too often. Ran found himself surprised that she did not protest

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