The Undead That Saved Christmas Vol. 2

The Undead That Saved Christmas Vol. 2 by ed. Lyle Perez-Tinics Page A

Book: The Undead That Saved Christmas Vol. 2 by ed. Lyle Perez-Tinics Read Free Book Online
Authors: ed. Lyle Perez-Tinics
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longer. She sprinted up the stairs and down the hall to his door.
    Slightly out of breath, she knocked on the door.
    No response.
    Maybe he was out getting stuff, she thought. More candles, maybe. Or, God help her, even a bottle of wine.
    She turned the knob and swung the door in slowly.

‘ Twas a Season of Zombies
    By Rebecca Besser

    'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house,
    No one was breathing, not even a mouse!

    Zombies had come in and feed on the living,
    Ending quickly this season of giving.

    Bones had been littered about without care,
    And one zombie cracked open a skull on a stair.

    They moaned and they ate what they could find,
    With no thought but to consume in their undead mind.

    Blood splashed presents sat under the Christmas tree,
    That would never be open with anticipated glee.

    For all was now silent along the snow covered street,
    Because all the families provided fresh meat!

Story Art Cover
    By Ian Kobe

    For Del Howison

    Author Bio
    Kelly Dunn is a freelance writer who lives in the shadow of Los Angeles. Her short fiction has appeared in the horror anthologies The Dead That Walk and Midnight Walk , and in the horror publications Necrotic Tissue and Aberrant Dreams . Her first novel, written with the help of her alter ego Savannah Kline, is entitled Beloved of the Fallen and was published by Ulysses Press. Kelly is also the editor of the Rainstorm Press horror anthology Mutation Nation: Tales of Genetic Mishaps, Monsters, and Madness .

Emergency Rescue
    By Kelly Dunn

    Momma is a sad-face, standing at the window. I say, "I hungry, Momma" and pull on her shirt but she won’t look at me ever. She is quiet. Maybe it is the snow. I can hear it falling. It shines on the ground and in Momma's eyes. Pointy sickles are sharp from the roof.
    The Christmas tree has sickles too, tin-sicles. That's what No-no says. The tin-sickles are shiny, too. I go away from Momma, past the pretty tree. There's twinkle lights with colors on it. I know what colors they are. They are red, and blue, and yellow, and pink ones. I know that from school. At school we get burritos and sometimes hot dogs. Declan at school bit No-no. He ran and bit! Declan bit lots of the kids. Declan is bad.Now it is Christmastime! No Declan. No school. . Momma got mad at No-no. Now she is at the window. No-no is lying down on the floor. His face turn green when the lights blink on him.
    It is cold. My tummy is noisy. I go into kitchen and get out the Cap'n Crunch. There are two bowls, one is only mine and one is for No-no. No milk, but I fill them full. Full of Cap'n Crunch. I take No-no his bowl. "No-no, eat," I say, but he doesn’t eat any. He doesn’t cry. He is only one eye open, like a pirate. His face looks funny now. On his jammies there is red and purply from where Momma hit him. He walked funny but he fell down and now he won’t get up. No-no is sick. I eat the Cap'n Crunch in the bowl. After I go to the corner that’s where we play Emergency Rescue. The guys are there.
    I get the best guys, the G.I. Joes and medics, all the soldiers and the Indian chief, and the tank, too. All of them. I bring them to No-no. No-no is a big boy now. I am big too but he is bigger. The guys can help him. No-no is on the floor and I put some guys on top of him and then the tank next to him. I put lots of guys around No-no. I make a big circle. They are guards. They can shoot bad guys. Like when the soldiers march-marched down the street. To get the bad guys.
    "No-no all your guys are here," I say. No-no kind-of smiles. The soldiers are his friends but the smile hurts him. I touch at his hurt face. He sticks out his tongue. "Uhhn," he says. He bites at my finger, justa tiny bit. No-no growls, tough. He is funny. I laugh.
    Momma turns around. She is a mad face. "BE QUIET. WHY CAN’T YOU BE QUIET?" That what Momma says. She looks so mad and I scared. I try not to cry 'cuz big boys don’t

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